NR | 16 May 2008 (USA)
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An inside look at Italy's modern-day crime families, the Camorra in Naples and Caserta. Based on a book by Roberto Saviano. Power, money and blood: these are the "values" that the residents of the Province of Naples and Caserta have to face every day. They hardly ever have a choice and are forced to obey the rules of the Camorra. Only a lucky few can even think of leading a normal life.

Dotsthavesp I wanted to but couldn't!
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Cooktopi The acting in this movie is really good.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
GianniLupindo A movie that tells egregiously with facts and invented characters, as much as the book come first of it and not read by me, about the saddening reality of illicit traffics and organized delinquency in the Italian region Campania. The original language is not always the Italian one but it is often the slang spoken in the large southern city of Naples and its hinterland. That made the four stories mixed on this context very close to that Italy's part reality.
lornloxor The movie was extremely chaotic and hard to get a handle on because it keeps jumping from one plot thread to another. There were no characters which you could get invested in. It was also hard to get a read on who was who and was their relation to one another. After a while the whole movie just started to feel boring and exhausting because I didn't have a stake at anything. They really should've focused this movie a lot more on one of the characters through whose eyes we'd see the story unfold. In the end they suddenly shove a bunch of facts about the Camorra crime organization which took me aback. Was this movie really about that stuff? If the director wanted to highlight the chaos, pervasiveness and huge growth of the Camorra, then he should've made a documentary. There were a few effective scenes portraying the brutality and ruthlessness of the Camorra. Those really added to the darkly depressing and nihilistic tone of the film. There were also a lot of scenes about the minutiae of the mob business like people counting money and negotiating between themselves and so on. Why would I be interested in watching characters I don't recognize and care about doing these banal things? How this movie is hailed as a masterpiece by the critics is beyond me.
knifemagnet If your girlfriend or wife wants to take a vacation to Italy rent this. This is the perfect movie that illustrates how cities like Rome and Naples are essentially third-world Europe.Entertainment-wise, this movie is a bit lacking. It barely has any plot. It barely ties anything together, and leaves you, for the majority of its duration, coasting along. It absolutely has nothing on films like 'City of God'. I think this film has garnered more attention than it was probably due.But then again, if you're bored as I was, it is a very average way to pass some time.
Pertti Jaska In Neapolitan Camorra, the semi-fictional events of Matteo Garrone on location around Naples with incredible precision dressed in frightening images. And the film has become the uncompromising declaration of war against the Camorra, the international drug trade, toxic waste, sweatshop the production of designer fashion and monopoly on the cement trade has. On five separate fates GOMORRHA describes the suggestive power of the Camorra, the operations by which the clans claiming their power and the manipulation that they keep their dirty business in motion a cruel world that is nevertheless deeply rooted in reality. Why GOMORRHA big Mafia films like "Scarface" (Brian DE Palma), "Hands Over the City" (Francesco Rosi) or "The Godfather" (Francis Ford Coppola) perpetuates - and frighteningly current. In Italy, GOMORRHA immediately put to the top of the box office and drew within the first two weeks of spectacular 1.5 million visitors in the movie theaters. That's what I read on the back of the DVD.GOMORRHA won the ARRI Zeiss Award at the Munich Film Festival and received at the Cannes Film Festival Grand Jury Prize. No surprise there... it deserved it.The film is not "the godfather", not about the heads of the Mafia, but the everyday life on the street below. Sometimes one feels like being in the slums where Mafia really makes their businesses. You look to have what the normality of violence surrounding the Mafia seems. The killer does not come with a pinstripe suit, sunglasses and a violin case, therefore, but in flip flops and shorts, the killings are far from action movies and theatricality. According guy has the Camorra in Europe more people on his conscience than any other criminal or terrorist organization in the last thirty years - a dead man every 3 days. The Comprehensible that the Camorra, the book and the movie have been made.The press release for the film reads more about the Mafia, but it is not your old mafia, but the new. And the comparison fits, Gomorrah can be described as "educational film about the NEW Mafia". Good film!
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