Home for Christmas Day
Home for Christmas Day
G | 16 July 2017 (USA)

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Jane is a single mother dead set on protecting her teenage daughter Betsy from the harsh realities of life. When Betsy falls in love with an enlisted man, Jane tries her best to steer Betsy away from heartache. Little does Jane realize she and her daughter are about to learn important lessons of the heart and that taking chances can sometimes lead to the most extraordinary happy endings.

Console best movie i've ever seen.
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
juneebuggy This was ok, not great, not much story really and it all appears to take place within a couple of days. I was however very surprised by what happened towards the end and then felt silly given the title. That whole "situation" made this Hallmark movie worthwhile to watch.The story follows a young (high school) woman who falls in love with a soldier about to ship out just before Christmas. Her overprotective mother wants to spare her heartache similar to what she felt when her husband was killed on active duty, so she tries to persuade her daughter to end the romance while at the same time also not allowing herself to open her heart to a possible romance that's been right in front of her for years.Decent enough acting for what's involved here, The daughter did come across older than high school age, very together and kind of mothering the mother (Catherine Bell). I also enjoyed Victor Webster as the potential boyfriend.
kz917-1 I love Catherine Bell, but her character in this movie was a wretch!I do however agree that a high school senior beginning a relationship with a soldier shipping out isn't the best of ideas.Love the actors, but they deserve better material.
Jack Vasen This was a bit different from the Christmas movies of which I have seen so many. It was not all warm and fuzzy hot chocolate and Santa Claus.This is a story about a woman, played by Catherine Bell, who has some deep scars because she lost her soldier husband not long after she was married. Bell does a great job showing an independent woman who is trying to teach her daughter all the good things, but meanwhile is struggling not just with the loss of her husband, but also the impending empty next when her daughter goes to college. My son is 32 and I know that you never stop worrying about them.Jane's life becomes more intense when her daughter meets Tyler, a soldier from the local base. The two young people fall in love and all the emotions step up a notch as Jane struggles not to stifle her daughter, but wanting to protect her from the same kinds of hurt she suffered.This is only the beginning of the emotions the movie takes us through and saying more would be spoilers. The story is excellent.I've already mentioned Bell's performance. Matreya Fedor and Anthony Konechny do a good job as the young couple, especially Fedor who displays some deep emotions as well. Victor Webster is solid, but despite Jackson's love interest with Jane, his character is secondary to the other three.For quality of the movie in the Christmas genre, I'd make this about 9-1/2. My final rating is personal enjoyment and while I am glad I watched this, I probably will not want to do repeats.
Christmas-Reviewer I HAVE REVIEWED OVER 400 Christmas MOVIES. BEWARE OF BOGUS REVIEWS & REVIEWERS. SOME REVIEWERS HAVE ONLY ONE REVIEW. WHEN ITS A POSITIVE REVIEW THAT TELLS ME THEY WERE INVOLVED WITH THE PRODUCTION. NOW I HAVE REVIEWED OVER 400 Christmas MOVIES. I HAVE NO AGENDA. I AM FARE. THE REASON WHY I REVIEW THEM IS TO KEEP TRACK OF WHAT I HAVE SEEN!. A young woman begins a long-distance relationship with an active- duty soldier. Her mother tries to steer her away from the relationship to save her feelings.Now the mother in this is shown almost like she is a villain. In real I think most women would not want their HIGH SCHOOL DAUGHTER in a serious relationship. The mother wants her daughter to finish school. Can't blame her. Also there is a few shocks here and there but the title of this film kind of gives the surprise away! Not a bad movie. I still think the mother was correct!