Christmas Bounty
Christmas Bounty
NR | 26 November 2013 (USA)
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A former bounty hunter turns into an elementary schoolteacher. Determined to have a normal life and keep her bounty hunter past a secret, she reluctantly returns home for Christmas to help save the family business by catching the one bounty that got away. But when her fiancé follows her home for the holiday, she struggles to hide her wild family business and a bounty hunter ex-boyfriend she thought she'd left behind.

Lawbolisted Powerful
SoTrumpBelieve Must See Movie...
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
adonis98-743-186503 A former bounty hunter turns into an elementary schoolteacher. Determined to have a normal life and keep her bounty hunter past a secret, she reluctantly returns home for Christmas to help save the family business by catching the one bounty that got away. Christmas Bounty was focused more on showing up close women's chests than actually having a script, a story or perhaps a movie? It's pretty much boring, stupid and just god awfully cheesy and if you ever find it online or on dvd? Don't buy it just destroy all the copies it's much better. (F)
dellaroccokc Watched it with a friend and his wife who like to make fun of bad movies. This film has the some things going for it in that its short, it didn't try to be smart in any way, and it knew what it wanted to be. And that is totally unoriginal, extremely watered down chick action movie. ABC Family has this weird guideline where cussing is not allowed, but light sexual innuendos are OK, it was kind of a weird balance. And no one gets shot either. Its like if there wasn't the sexual stuff this movie could be rated G. Also you better like Jersey. More than Christmas actually. Really this movie doesn't even mention Christmas, it just seems like something thats happening during the movie but they're too busy being Jersey. So being at they're from Jersey it makes everyone unlikable. And there's a pro wrestler playing the long lost love interest, and the main girl is falling back in love with him instead of her current boyfriend. But this guy looks like the biggest tool in the world, and no one wants to see that guy get the girl in the end. So thats a weird thing going on in the movie. And thats pretty much it. I could talk about the actual movie but there's really no point. But I got to say it didn't make me want to kill myself, which is a real testament to the movie. Movies are a dance, and sometimes it better to do the a good Hokey Pokey than f#$@ up the Waltz.
jfgibson73 Christmas Bounty follows a young Manhattan teacher, Tara, who has all the pieces of an upscale life coming together. Then she has to go back to Jersey to her life as a bounty hunter to track down an ex con coming after her. Her Manhattan boyfriend complicates things by following her and getting in the middle of the firefights, but also making things awkward for her Jersey ex, Mike. This movie has the feel of a t.v. family film, but then stages scenes where bounty hunters and criminals are pointing guns at each other. And instead of feeling any kind of tension, I'm thinking, "They can't actually have someone get shot on an ABCFamily movie, can they?" I don't know what kind of family would want to sit through this anyway, because it doesn't work for kids--the story is all gun fights and love triangles. It has nothing to do with Christmas, by the way, which will probably complicate the network's plan to turn it into a perennial holiday classic. The acting is cartoonish and the action is completely bland. I can't imagine anyone finding it entertaining. Possible career-ender for The Miz and anyone else involved.
jrmoviemaniac I saw this movie earlier tonight and i was very surprised.Its not your average Christmas movie its about two people who are bounty hunters trying to get this criminal before Christmas.Thats a brief summary but its an interesting premise.I did enjoy this film for what it was:The actors got the job done especially WWE wrestler The Miz.Francia Raisa did fine for the role she had to play,and the rest of the cast for the most part did a good job.The action sequences were done well without bad editing or shaky cam which I hate in most movies today. There are some flaws:The film is predictable in some cases,and some things could have been cut like the scenes in the club,the break dancing at the end,and some sexual innuendos.Overall,its a decent film thats not for everyone(Just a little warning)but I found it entertaining.6/10