Enchanted Christmas
Enchanted Christmas
| 12 November 2017 (USA)
Enchanted Christmas Trailers

Weeks before Christmas, interior designer Laura is sent to her hometown of Santa Fe, New Mexico to remodel a landmark hotel. As Laura is kept busy with the renovations, her 8-year-old daughter Nicole is introduced to the art of salsa dancing at a local dance studio. Laura is surprised to find that the studio’s owner is Ricardo, her old high school sweetheart and former salsa dance partner. When Laura and Ricardo reconnect, sparks fly on and off the dance floor. The beautiful Christmas traditions of New Mexico become the backdrop for spirited dancing and unexpected romance.

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Humbersi The first must-see film of the year.
ronbokirk At 1 hour 19 minutes and 44 seconds she walks thru the curtain onto the stage. She is wearing a blue suit on the backstage side of the curtain. She emerges on the other side wearing a red dress with no time in between to change. Christmas magic or blooper?Alexa is wonderful in this movie, but is miss-paired with her husband/co-star Carlos. I sincerely hope they have magic and sparks in their real relationship, but that was sadly missing for their onscreen characters. It was almost like Major League (Alexas) vs Little League (Carlos). It was a good story but Alexa had to carry the film by herself.
LuLuBelleKy I wanted to like it, but it took me 4 times to watch it through because it was soooooo boring..... and predictable. The acting was just bleh.... the story was just, meh....... skip this one. It will be 2 hours you will never get back, that you could've been watching something better. Two thumbs way down.
Jack Vasen I have tagged this with spoilers, but I really don't think I give anything significant away.Let's see what usual themes do we have? Laura comes back to her home town where she hasn't been in years. She runs into Ricardo who was kind of an old boyfriend. She has an impossible assignment to complete in too little time. Although not clear at the beginning, apparently her job is at stake. She already has a boyfriend back at the office and he shows up awkwardly. She has a kid who believes in Santa (and she wants snow from Santa). They have a traditional icon in the form of the hotel's fountain.What's different? Not a lot and the things that are a little different have been done before. They dance a lot. Instead of a contest to win, there is a dance finale to prepare for.For actors that are married to each other, I would have expected more chemistry, but they are comfortable together. Part of the lack of chemistry is a shortage of chances to dialogue between them. There were obviously some, but much of their time together was either not very romantic, or was dancing. As in many Christmas stories with kids, Nikki is a factor in bringing them together. Jaynee-Lynne Kinchen is cute but she does almost seem like a 30 year-old in a 9 year-old body, but I think that is part of the story.The act put on by the kids was pretty good, more than a school pageant. Same with the lovers dancing - it included some flashy and slightly difficult moves.The ending is predictable, although there were two small things that could have gone differently.
vriddheeg see my review herealittleofallblog.wordpress.com/2017/11/15/enchanted-christmas/i hated this movie, super boring! there was no chemistry between the lead couple who are married in real life.the setting was okay but it just lacked the holiday spirit. after quite a few good ones, this one just did not reach the mark,.