| 07 November 2017 (USA)
Skybound Trailers

Five friends on a small airplane mysteriously lose their radio connection on a trip from New York to LA. As they continue their flight, they're forced to assume that a major disaster happened on the ground. They discover a stowaway, Erik, who urges them not to land at any cost. Before they run out of fuel, they must find out the truth.

Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Beam Davis I created an account on IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes just to post that this is the worst movie I have ever seen! ****SPOILERS (not that you'd want to see this movie anyway)****First of all, the acting sucks! All the dialogue is TERRIBLE, and that speech near the end is unbelievable CHEESE! It was like a bad locker room pep talk!The factual correctness is NON-EXISTENT. People with diabetes don't get seizures, for one. People don't get instantly infected from a bullet and don't get MIRACULOUSLY better just by removing the bullet. Also, you couldn't cut an airplane engine off with an axe! And if you were going to try, wouldn't you at least turn the engine off first? With the fuel flowing to the engine, the plane would just EXPLODE anyway! And at the end when they wash up on the beach, none of them are even wet!I'd give this 0 stars if IMDb would let me!
The Couchpotatoes Well it seems to be that the Skybound crew, the actors and everybody that worked on it, have alot of friends that they persuade to write fake reviews and to push as many yesses as possible on 'was this review helpful to you?' if the review was highly rated. The truth though is that Skybound is a terrible movie. It's not even mediocre, it's way worse. The idea of the story might have been something if you had a budget and some decent actors. Not actors like those ones, where everybody seems to read their script instead of acting. It was really bad, none of the cast should give up their day job. Carla Carolina Pimentel was just the worse, with terrible terrible acting. The story line starts normal to finish incredibly weak. For example, when you know you're in an almost certain death situation let's just make some silly jokes or let's just have a little argument on who loves who the most. You know, that kinda crap, we've all seen it before, but it's still painful to watch again. So don't believe any of the positive reviews, but avoid this movie at all costs.
marcbackman-94708 That i sort of liked it. i'll give it a 6/10, a 5 for being mediocre and +1 for having an interesting plot
thorr-3 The high ratings are all from people obviously trying to save it from the real ratings that blast it. to all the high raters that obviously have some connection to the movie - everybody knows by now to look at the other titles that a reviewer has reviewed! And when THIS movie is the only one, a 3rd grader knows to AVOID IT LIKE THE PLAGUE! All 1 reviews then a slew of 10's? If you actually think the public has no clue, and wont notice your only rating was this title .....your an idiot! .........hence shows why you are connected to this film. If you want actual GOOD ratings then associate yourself with GOOD movies. And if your not cut out to be in an at least DECENT film.......McDonalds is always hiring~