Christmas Homecoming
Christmas Homecoming
| 18 November 2017 (USA)

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A military widow, whose faith in Christmas has lapsed, rents an apartment to a handsome Army Captain, recovering from an injury in battle, and whose faith in Christmas is inspirational. As they team up to save the town’s military museum with a Christmas fundraising event, these two ‘wounded birds’ find themselves falling in love — and being healed by the magic of Christmas.

Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
tommybus People will have one or the other reaction to this. There is no middle ground. I can see why people call this a "Recruitment Movie" because they make the Military people in this film seem very Noble. In reality most people in the Military enlist to escape poor surroundings. Not truely understanding that the war they are about to fight will never end. This film centers on two grown adults struggling to move forward after each have survived a major loss. Gee what do you think is going to happen?The actors are WAY TOO OLD to play these parts. Then again that doesn't stop Hallmark from casting Candace Cameron in everything. This film had a good idea but it was poorly executed in every way possible/
christmasjaws I lost my husband in the Iraq invasion. He was sent there because George W Bush lied about Iraq having "Weapons of mass destruction". I was left alone with 2 children. I then had to move out of base housing because "I was not in the service". This film show us nothing of the pain of explaining "loss to children". It also show "nothing of the 24/7 pain" that you go through when you lose someone. My husband hated the war! "He was mad when had to go". He was mad when fellow vets were "Hushed" when they even dared to question the mission. So my children are now 22 and 24. They will not enlist in the war because our country only cares about rich people now. This film makes saints out of vets which truthfully "THEY ARE NOT SAINTS". They are just doing what they are told. When one vets saves another vet "That's a Hero", When they enter a country with a TANK "Do you think they seem like heroes to the people who live there?" This film was crap. It will only be good to people who "Never question authority"
maggiechurchca I do not see why people would the lives film. To me it is the "Hallmark Version" of the movie "The Room". In this stupid film a woman works at the Towns Veterans Museum. Her hours are being cut down. This is after she just lost her husband in the whatever stupid war this country is in. The politics of the war is never mentioned. Also not mentioned the high cost of war on survivors of veterans who died. War is romanticized in this garbage film. I hated this film because it did everything to make veterans look like saints but never questions the victims of the US Military
caiforniagirl Dreadful crap. That is the only way to describe this garbage. In this latest Hallmark Christmas movie Hallmark proves once again that they have no original ideas. This film borrows dramatically when it comes to emotional beats! This war time movie however is terrible. The casting is wrong and it never really touches on why a woman who just lost her husband would want to date another soldier? It also never goes to deep in the cost that war plays on veterans. A better way to approach this movie would of been playing these characters as "Older" and both questioning the cost of war and if the USA should of really butted in? The War and why we are there is never addressed. That makes this film one sided. It doesn't help that the soldier looks like he is about 60. The woman looks like she is 45 thinking/acting like she is 25. One Huge Boring Mess!
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