The Christmas Ornament
The Christmas Ornament
NR | 16 November 2013 (USA)
The Christmas Ornament Trailers

Newly widowed Kathy plans to skip out on decking the halls and trimming the tree this Christmas, trying to avoid anything that will bring back memories of her late husband. When Kathy meets handsome Christmas tree shop owner Tim, their undeniable chemistry—along with an ornament Tim gives her that symbolizes hope—helps Kathy open up to the joys of the season again.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
urdivine My talent is not writing but I want to say something about this movie.I was expecting it to be an average movie or worse, so I watched it last of three movies on Sunday evening. It should have been the first one I watched. I watch a lot of these kinds of Christmas movies and I personally rate everyone for myself, from 1 rating to 5 rating. Most of them, I rate about a 3. This was a 4 rating.I don't know if it was mostly the director, writing or acting that made this movie better than most. All of the performances were good, particularly the lead male actor. For him, "Natural" was the word that came to mind as I watched him. Even the small parts were good, like the Christmas tree sale helper.One of the messages of the film is very important of which everyone should heed. "Discover what you love to do and figure out a way to make money doing it."
Debzreview Good story and likable characters. Tim was good for Kathy and they had definite chemistry which helps in any Hallmark movie. This is one of my go to movies of the season. I pretty much like Kelli Martin in anything I've seen her in. Cameron Mathison was to new to me but I'd watch him again. I hope to see them again together in another movie.
Christmas Cookies59 Christmas time is a special time of the year. For many of us it is the best time of the year. In this film that is true for Kathie the young widow who owns "Dream Cycle". The store she just opened with her husband less than a year ago. He died and the business is now struggling. In the same town is Tim. He is a single guy who gave up on 401k and office work to live his dream. He runs/owns a Christmas tree lot with hopes of something bigger. His dream is to own a place where "Christmas can be celebrated all year long". Tim however is just getting over a break up. He meets Kathy one day on his lot. They click but both are afraid to admit it. By chances they run into one another ice skating. They become friends but both are like teenagers. Afraid of being hurt and slightly haunted by a past relationship.The ending is what you expect (AND LET'S FACE YOU WANT THIS TYPE OF ENDING) but everything that happens in this is how most people would react in real life. I love the fact everyone here makes mistakes and learns from them. I also love it that nobody is called "Stupid" for acting (or reacting) a certain way".IF they ever did a follow up film I would have Tim and Kathie trying to bring more "Christmas Joy" to the town they live in. And along the way they there dreams come 100% true.
Michael Thompson My wife of a 22 year marriage passed from cancer in 2014. I still cant believe she has gone, and this will be my second Christmas alone. So I had a real special reason for watching this film, and I can only say it was well worth the watch.I knew I would relate to the lead female role and I did, I felt every expression, every doubt.Her female friend was simply and equally great in the film.Christmas movies always always have nice tie up endings, and don't we wish it was like this in real life ?Everybody handles their grief differently, I for one will never celebrate Christmas again, where as the woman in the lead role did, and she found happiness if I recall correctly, less than a year after the demise of her husband.My wife and I used to watch Hallmark Christmas movies on DVD every year, and I know she would have loved this film. So on behalf of my wife and myself, we give this movie 10 stars, I've ticked spoilers, but I don't think there were any.If there are any ladies out there who have lost their husbands, and you also enjoyed this film, you can contact me at the following email address if you wish.