The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
| 13 December 2008 (USA)
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year Trailers

Five-time Emmy nominee and Golden Globe winner Henry Winkler stars in The Most Wonderful Time of the Year, the story of what happens when you open your heart to the power of Christmas. Disenchanted single mom Jennifer Cullen (Brooke Burns) is a Scroogette when it comes to anything Christmas. In fact, even her six-year-old son, Brian, is having trouble believing in Santa Claus. But when her Uncle Ralph (Henry Winkler) visits and brings a fellow passenger from his flight named Morgan Derby (Warren Christie), Jennifer s dubious heart awakens to the possibility that perhaps Christmas really does hold miracles. It s uplifting and laugh-packed and a story that will inspire the whole family to believe.

NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Tacticalin An absolute waste of money
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
gail-is-joshs One of my top all time favorites from Hallmark!! It's full of humor, family love and romance!
gehewe Our family has watched about 50+ Christmas movies. This one is one of the favorites (even if it doesn't have that touch of fantasy). We watch it every year and just enjoy it. Why? It is genuinely funny. It is also one of those movies where you can rejoice when the girl wakes up and realizes the guy she is about to marry is not right for her.Richard: "Jen I would never read your mail" Jen: "Oh but you would steal it"Henry Winkler is great. There is nothing in this movie that I would change. The red bulb in the white light strand. The wreath falling off the door. If you haven't seen it. You're in for a treat.
SanteeFats Another Christmas movie. It is not a comedy but it is interesting enough. Henry Winkler is a retired cop who comes to his daughter's and her son for the Christmas season. Henry brings along a man he found at the airport who had no place to stay. This guy turns out to be a lot better than the guy the daughter is dating. He has flair, unlike the boyfriend, who is a real tool. He proposes in front of a bunch of people, what is she to do? Of course she feels compelled to accept. She then finds out what a tool her fiancée, no longer that is. She dashes to the airport to look for the guy and after her plea is broadcast over the PA they meet and obviously get together. A decent enough movie for he season but not great.
seasamh If you like the Hallmark formula (and I do!), this one should hit all the right buttons. There's not much plot going on (but you don't watch these things for the plot, do you?). Our heroine is a single mom to an overly-mature, curly-top child; favorite uncle meets stranded hunk on a plane and invites him home for the holidays. Okay, so Mom is not keen on Christmas, and she really can't cook; Son isn't sure there's a Santa Claus; and Stranger is a holiday-lover who happens to be a chef. Any doubt where this is going? So how could that garner 9 stars from me? The casting! I hardly noticed there was no plot until I was thinking about it afterward! Brooke Burns -- not an actress that I would expect to see on stage at an award show -- is actually quite good. One of my favorite scenes: She's talking through the car window to an irritating neighbor, trying to keep her composure with a forced smile on her face, and after she rolls up the window and starts to pull away, she mutters (almost without moving her lips), "Step in front of the car, lady!" She just nails the line -- she's not a nasty person, so the nastiness she musters in the line works. I've never seen male lead Warren Christie before, but ... where has he been all my life! The chemistry between the two is awesome, really awesome, and he may be my favorite Hallmark hero of all time. Henry Winkler is the match-making uncle. I find him a little annoying -- he always plays the same character, and he's obviously intended to be droll, but it's a bit too overt -- like he has "I am droll" stamped across his forehead. It's a credit to the leads that he recedes into his proper place. This was an enjoyable entry into the Hallmark holiday collection. I highly recommend it.