The Little Rascals Save the Day
The Little Rascals Save the Day
PG | 01 April 2014 (USA)
The Little Rascals Save the Day Trailers

When the Little Rascals are unable to raise enough money to save their grandma's bakery from shutting down, their only hope is to win a local talent show and use the prize money to save the shop.

Matcollis This Movie Can Only Be Described With One Word.
Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
jonbaker787 I used to love the original little rascals TV show and the movie this new movie is an awful portrayal of what is supposed to be the little rascals. They didn't even have all the original character names and they put a girl in their club which was everything they stood against in the original movie. They could have done a better job in my opinion. They could have given the children more practice the acting wasn't the greatest. The original was much better and by far funnier than this version. Though they came close to making the cast close to the original It still wasn't as good . I'm highly doubting the directors made their money back off of this film. If they did it's only because the people buying/renting it were under the impression It was like the old one . All over disappointed.
Reno Rangan I grew up watching the 90s 'Little Rascals'. That was one of my childhood favorites besides many others. After 20 years, I think I still love that movie a lot. I guess I need to re-watch. So I wondered about this new version how good it could be. It was not a sequel or remake, but kind of reboot movie. Almost all the characters looked similar to the 94's except a couple of were missing. I have not seen the older versions, so no reason to drag them in here.Since I am a fan of the 90s' expected this new movie. After watching it, I came to know why it directly released in home videos. The movie was not good. The kids were alright, but it was the poorly written story. Just like it was written for the television audience. The story revolves around a bunch of neighborhood children. While preparing for the summer adventures they come to know that the shop being shut down, which is attached to their tree house due to the bank dept. They keep away their plans and begin to raise money. How they are going to accomplish their goal was what told is the series of comedic events.''Nobody ever got rich working for somebody else.''Was not an exciting movie. Half of the movie was boring and another half was so good. Overall, kind of stands between good and bad, an average movie we can say. Hope kids will love it more than adults. If you are not familiar with earlier versions, there is a chance that you could enjoy it. Anyway, I just thought it was the children's version of the movie 'Three Stooges'. I mean looks fun while a watch, but afterwards makes you think what did I saw kind of expression. Believe me it is not worth. If, since you decided, not a bad idea for once.
Carol Sales this movie really hit it off with my kids ages 4, 7, and 9. i watched it with them and found some scenes and lines a bit silly. some did make me chuckle. i thought the child actors played their part really well, a bit of over-acting but hey they're kids!! and my kids are happy and occupied the next two hours, so that's good enough for me too. oh i have to write at least 10 more lines for my review to be accepted... OK so i thought the rating of 5 stars was kind of low it deserves to go up a bit..maybe upto 7 or 8. but i'm giving it a 9 coz i liked the musical aspect of the movie. it had my little girl singing. im not really familiar with the original rascals so if this movie did not stick to the original... we don't really care.
Tejas Nair Along with a very poor direct-to-video execution, this spin-off works against "the Little Rascals" idea. The original movie was so tender and cute, I still watch it with my family. But this just isn't cute. While the kids have grown up and it is not meant to be cute and most of them are different actors, it is clearly seen they cannot act and with amateur direction, the whole film stumbles in its own story-less caper.I hardly chuckled during the whole 90 minutes. Even the supporting cast is poorly written. Characters who pop out of anywhere and following the main plot just doesn't work any more. Writing is very cheesy throughout the film and illogical references to the shenanigans the rascals carry out is just not funny. While we may expect our kids to laugh out loud, with poorly written dialogs, delivered by immature stances and nuances, this particular video movie is goes nowhere with its screenplay.The plot points seemed to grow according to the wishes of the writers. While I appreciate the art department, I am not satisfied with the sequences. In fact, not a single scene is unforgettable or at least remarkable.Indeed very bad CGI and let us not talk about technicalities for I may be forced to re-rate as 1/10. A very big disappointment. You may very well skip this without having lost anything,
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