PG | 10 July 1998 (USA)
Madeline Trailers

Horrified at the prospect of her beloved school being sold, a young French girl named Madeline uses her wit and craftiness to attempt to save it, making an unlikely new friend in the process.

Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
pinkarray Madeline is a clever movie about a brave and smart little girl and how she stands up to Pepito and Lord Covington. It can be syrupy and corny sometimes but it's got some entertaining moments, too.Hattie Jones is a pretty decent actor for her first role. She may not have had the acting chops to play Madeline, but she still did pretty good for her age. Her anger, her fearlessness, her mischief, her sadness, her precociousness was enjoyable to watch and this was my movie as a kid. Most of the other actors also did well for their roles and personalities but I didn't like Vicki. It's too bad I couldn't get to see more of Hattie. Some people may have problems with her having a British accent instead of a French accent, though.Madeline doesn't act much like a real kid because of her acting too mature for her age but she's a unique character and her bravery, friendliness, and fierce personality are good qualities in a little girl. Pepito is a good character because he changes from a troublesome little boy, to a friendly and helpful boy. Lord Covington is a sympathetic and relatable antagonist because he wants to close down the school because of his sadness for the death of his wife.Now my real problems are:They picked a little Asian girl to be one of the girls, I don't think this was used in the book? I haven't read much of it.I've never liked the trouble Madeline and the girls cause. Yes, I know they're children, but they shouldn't be influencing girls to act like them. And also, yes it's a movie, but I never liked seeing kids misbehaving a lot. And the kids cry over an appendix, while it's faithful to the book, I think that them crying over something like getting their appendix out is weird. I still remember fondly watching this movie as a kid and over the Summer and Fall in 2015. It's not one of the best movies to watch, in fact, it might be forgettable because of its formulaic writing, storytelling, characters and directing but this mostly lies in the writing and directing, though it's certainly better than the Madeline cartoons that were out in the 80s and 90s and always had been to me, being 11 years old and watching the movie, I was too old for the cartoons. I didn't care much for them.
nettedic4 I saw it when I was 8 or so, more than once I believe since I remember it perfectly (around 10 years ago) and I can say that this was a great movie, with a great message, movies like that are missing these days. Sometimes I'm just sorry for some films supposedly "for children" but with plots or a storyline that I think are an insult to their intelligence."Madeline" was an innocent, simple and funny movie that I really enjoyed and highly recommend to families, reminded me of "Matilda". I can't wait to see it again when I have kids....I didn't see that little girl (Hatty Jones) in any other movie which I think is very sad for child actors, but Frances MacDormand is very funny.
TheLittleSongbird Not entirely captivating by all means, but very sweet and charming. While the story has some weak spots and the screenplay superficial at times, what saves it is how it is filmed and acted and how it keeps to the spirit of the picture books. I for one loved how it was filmed; I wasn't expecting another Wizard of Oz or Secret Garden, but the film is very nicely shot, with some dark serious tones but I particularly loved the shots of the Parisian skies. The music is beautiful as well and has a certain liveliness to it. The acting is very good; Hattie Jones has a very likable spunk and with her cute appearance the camera clearly loves her. Frances McDormond is perfectly cast as Miss Clavel, staying true to her character. Nigel Hawthorne is given less to do, but he does well with what he is given as Lord Covington(or Lord Cukooface as the girls call him). Overall, this is a charming and I think underrated film. 8/10 Bethany Cox
byhc2003 Madeline is a cute movie for the whole family -- if you like things when they were more simple! The antics of this young girl, Madeline are somewhat typical, often funny, yet sweet and well-meaning as orphaned child who is lonely and sad. Miss Clavel played by the one and only lovely Frances McDormand has the best facial expressions a nun could have when exasperated, yet, she really loves all the girls, but especially Madeline. And Lord Coo-coo face, well there's just something about him that isn't quite right -- it turns out he's lonely and sad, too just like Madeline. I think this movie was a great way to disappear into a Saturday afternoon and forget all the chaos of the week and bring back fond memories of less rushed times. The entire cast is -- well, they're all a kick!