Black Beauty
Black Beauty
G | 29 July 1994 (USA)
Black Beauty Trailers

The fates of horses, and the people who own and command them, are revealed as Black Beauty narrates the circle of his life.

Micitype Pretty Good
Noutions Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .
Micransix Crappy film
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
classicsoncall My summary line, voiced by the picture's title character, was meant to relate to the general community of horses, but I'm not so sure it couldn't apply to us humans as well. At least up to a certain point; for a good part of lives we're all 'stuck' with family or acquaintances that might not have made the cut if we had anything to say about it.In deference to and with all due respect to other reviewers for the picture here who absolutely loved it, I have to say I just couldn't get very invested in the story. Alan Cumming, the voice of Black Beauty was very monotone in his delivery and along with the pacing of the picture I found myself drifting away every so often, unable to concentrate on the story. I was watching with my granddaughter and even she reverted to playing with some object or other that kept her more occupied.What I did pick up on though was a valuable idea that families watching together could share with their own youngsters. Black Beauty lived through a variety of experiences, some happy and some sad, and those events could serve as important life lessons moms and dads could discuss with their kids as a way to bridge the ups and downs of a variety of relationships, be it family, school or community. Individual vignettes in the story can be useful in helping young kids understand that life has it's trials and tribulations and that unhappy times eventually pass. And perhaps most importantly, as Black Beauty understands - "It's good people that make good places."
Jackson Booth-Millard I had read the reviews for this story of one of the most famous fictional horses in literacy, and this film adaptation is the only one so far that has a decent star rating (all others are two, this is three), from director Caroline Thompson (scriptwriter of Edward Scissorhands). Anyway, basically Black Beauty (voiced by Alan Cumming) tells his own stories of all his mini adventures, being given to many different masters, making many friends, doing many services for them, and ultimately his "circle of life" over many years. His mini adventures include being born, learning to stand and run, his name given, given hooves, being sold to new masters, a fire, falling in love, becoming sick, riding people, and much more. Starring Sean Bean as Farmer Grey, Dragonheart's David Thewlis as Jerry Barker, Jim Carter as John Manly, Peter Davison as Squire Gordon, Alun Armstrong as Reuben Smith, John McEnery as Mr. York, Eleanor Bron as Lady Wexmire and Peter Cook as Lord Wexmire. Kids, especially young girls, will adore this film, and there is some interest for the older viewers as well in this heartwarming drama. Worth watching!
TinorialPeredhil This movie is the poignant story of the horse named Black Beauty. You follow him through his life, from the time that he was a young colt (and the darned cutest thing you ever did see) until his old age. The narrator of the story is Black Beauty himself. He will open your eyes to the treatment that animals receive at the hands of their masters -- a problem that is not unique to writer Anna Sewells' time. Spoilers for the book and movie: Some may complain that movies based on books always stray far from the original plot. In most cases, this is extremely true. In the case of "Black Beauty," the greatest and most irritating change, I found, was the fact that the horses could not communicate with each other. They whinnied and neighed, but they never spoke English. In Anna Sewells' book, Beauty held conversations with nearly every horse he met. However, I liked this change in the movie. It is fine to hear Beauty narrate, but I found the movie much more convincing without the horses talking. An adult is most likely not going to jump at the chance to watch a movie with live horses communicating like that, never mind watch long enough to get the message of the movie. I think that this was a change for the better, even though it then cut out some of the characters and a few heart-rending lines (my favorite: Captain's speech about war -- it gets me every time). End SpoilersThis movie is never found wanting in any way. Be warned: This is not an action movie. Those with short attention spans will probably not enjoy it. While Beauty goes through some terrifying moments, remember that a horse is narrating. However, it is my personal opinion that even when there is a decrease in action, the movie absolutely wonderful -- maybe even better than some action scenes. You may also need a box of tissues. Because (I suppose) I grew up watching it and practically had it memorized by age five, I never cried, but it is still a tear-jerking movie. There are few people who don't get teary at moments.As a child, I loved the film. When I was four years old, I'd sit and watch it repeatedly. Even now, the movie still enthralls me and is considered one of my favorites. It is a classic that I will treasure forever and pass down through generations. Spoilers:The casting could not have been better. Alan Cumming has the perfect voice for Beauty -- mellow and world-weary. You can feel his excitement at those moments when Beauty is reliving his first run and his fear when the barn catches fire. You sympathize with his wariness and confusion when (I believe) Reuben Smith tries to ride him drunk. Alan Cumming put his heart and soul into Beauty. He was perfect for the role.Eleanor Bron is a fantastic Lady Wexmire. She is great at playing those cruel characters (as seen in "A Little Princess" as well) and she is very convincing. While I like her as an actress, I absolutely despise her in the film, which is the point of her character. She was like Cruella de Vil from another time.The rest of the cast was wonderful as well. Everyone was extremely gifted in the acting department and were great in their roles. This movie is highly recommended! It is a must-see. Do not discard it as PETA propaganda or a child's story -- it is so much more than that. It is a masterpiece in its own right.
nelliebell-1 Though this is reviewed many years hence it is one of the time honored testaments of this media even some ten plus years having past,that this tribute was never the more beautiful then even now some ten years plus since then.This contribution comes at the expense of ones heart as you grow in the knowledge of the possibility of a dream.Reality provides the greatest test of ones courage under fire,though "Black Beauty" is billed as a child's film,this adult had a very hard time not caring a great deal about the wonderous even glorious relation we share with the animal kingdom and nature.The film seems to be beautifully constructed perhaps deliberately with many areas of the film working very well.It is a beautifully photographed film where these magnificent creatures are showcased and nature is highlighted.There is in the telling of this story a narrator whose ability to place intelligence in the very heart of these magnificent beasts is heart warming and engaging,truly this story skirts the issue of inspiration,it is that beautifully told.Historically soundtracks are there for a reason,this soundtrack almost steals the show,it is such a testament to the creative abilities of Daniel Elfman.It is literally a great piece of musical composition and motion picture scoring.If the reader wishes to know first hand listen closely from the very start and the human heart will be tested as to its ability to break.So loving and eloquent is this musical interlude that rarely is this mark been attained,it is beautiful.I watched this film 4 times in less than 24 hours and each time one of the reasons why I watched again and again was the lovely even emotional interplay between the film and the music.However last but not least though only for children it may very well be,it was very hard to take when the suffering ensues and the majestic Black Beauty and Ginger struggle to survive.Truly it is a lovely sentimental story deeply held and faithfully portrayed.The belief in a better world or in the dream of another world is even now a thoughtful and abiding conviction in the love we share when we share that love with each other.This is more than a children's story but a lessen in caring and it may actually surprise you to know that we must care for the wild as we have the privilege of dominion over the wild.We must never abuse that privilege and always care as a caretaker cares,such is the testament to this graceful telling of the life of Black Beauty.Highly recommended for both children and adults alike.