Lightning, the White Stallion
Lightning, the White Stallion
PG | 17 October 1986 (USA)
Lightning, the White Stallion Trailers

When a stolen white stallion escapes his captors, young Stephanie Ward gives him a new home and a new name: Lightning. As she grooms the horse for show-jumping competition, the pair forms an unbreakable bond. But when Stephanie finds herself in need of an expensive operation, and Lightning's original owner tracks him down, Stephanie sets all her hopes on first prize at the Nationals - and on the horse who's become her best friend!

CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Wizard-8 With Mickey Rooney in the cast, and a title that in part reads "...the White Stallion", it is pretty obvious that the makers of this movie were trying to cash in on the success of "The Black Stallion". Unfortunately, this movie fails in just about every aspect that you can think of. While Rooney may be top-billed, he only has a limited amount of footage, and he doesn't exactly give a memorable performance. Speaking of a limited performance, the title horse actually spends most of the second half of the movie offscreen. And the treatment of the horse when it is on screen is nothing special; even kids will wonder why this horse is considered so special. The movie shows some signs of problems behind the scenes, with various plot threads (like the heroine's failing eyesight) being dropped or wrapped up extremely quickly. The movie is nicely photographed, but the drab southern California locations aren't that much enhanced by it. In short, this is another loser movie from producer Harry Alan Towers.
lulu-2007 I have watched this movie when I was younger and loved it and decided to watch it again recently. I was a bit surprised to see such negative reviews for this movie, since it does have good acting and is a good plot. At the same time I can definitely understand some of the negative reviews on here this is an extremely cheesy movie. Comparing graphics and other things to today's graphics. I do think this is a great family movie and has a very good plot and has a mix of different things that people can enjoy. If you're like me and can easily look past bad graphics and effects and love a heart warming plot then go for it, but if your like my fiancé and get too hooked on bad graphics and some some "cheese" then I would not recommend this movie.
windypoplar I give this movie a 4 of ten and I'm being pretty generous. This was done to capitalize on the success of the Black Stallion movies and series with Mickey Rooney. Unfortunately its just not very good. Isabel Lorca is gorgeous girl but she couldn't act her way out of a paper sack! Rooney is OK, but he plot is really poorly thought out. Very little of this movie feels real, it feels like play someone was staging on Saturday afternoon. The most believable moments are between Stephanie (Lorca) and her boyfriend on the bus! Even the climax feels contrived and manipulative. If your'e looking for a decent family flick for a rainy afternoon, you could do worse, but not by much.Oddly rated "pg" for some profanity and adult situations that seem rather at odds with the rest of the film.
SanDiego Lame is not a word someone wants to hear when talking about horses, but this horse film is very lame. Being a fan of both Mickey Rooney and horse pictures I thought this might have been a half way decent film capitalizing on the extremely well done Black Stallion films and TV series in which Mickey Rooney starred. Nope. Even by rip-off standards does this film come close to be much more than a waste of time. I've seen at least fifty a-girl-and-her-horse (and boy-and-his-horse) pictures ranging from old MGM B-pictures to numerous Disney outings and I've enjoyed them all. Canadian and Australian efforts usually are quiet good with this genre. The stallion and Mickey Rooney are great but the plot and dialogue is so terrible the film is better watched with the sound turn down. Murray Langston, the former "Unknown Comic" shows up as a school bus driver and actually gives one of the better performances. That should tell you something.