Road Trip
Road Trip
R | 19 May 2000 (USA)
Road Trip Trailers

After an Ithaca College student films his one-night stand with a beautiful sorority girl, he discovers one of his friends has accidentally mailed the homemade sex tape to his girlfriend in Austin. In a frenzy, he must borrow a car and hit the road in a desperate bid to intercept the tape.

Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
LouHomey From my favorite movies..
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
LessThanPadraig I loved this film as a teen, it was stupid, crass, unrealistic, wacky, gross and crude...and when you're a teen those traits are what make films hilarious. It matters not if the film is critically acclaimed, back then what matters is the sheer wackiness mixed with bad words and OTT crudeness... I didn't expect to still like this film when I re-watched it recently, and I was wrong. I'm delighted to say that Road Trip is STILL funny.Although, as important as Tom Green is to the film he still gives me the shivers a little even today, he played the part of a full-on looper quite well.Films of this genre that come out nowadays just don't have the same feel as Road Trip. Road Trip came out at the end of the 90s kid era, and represented a lot of the great things about being a 90s teen. Admittedly, I was too young to watch it at the time but I can empathise with the era being born in 1992. With the exception of Superbad, not many great equivalents of Road Trip came out when I was a teen myself, kids of my era had to always look back a few years to the likes of Road Trip and American Pie for our laughs... not that we minded.I plan to watch Road Trip again 10 years from now, I'm confident it'll still make me laugh even then. Peace.
powermandan Road Trip is a feel-good college comedy that is both hilarious and heartfelt. The humour keeps the movie interesting and the heart keeps it from being stupid. Well, there are some stupid moments, but none of which diminish the overall result. The stupidity mainly comes from Tom Green, but who doesn't like pre-Freddy Got Fingered Tom Green?The movie starts out with Tom Green as an eighth year college student at Ithaca University giving a tour to potential students, trying to sell them the idea of attending the school. He is not doing a good job, until he tells a story of what happened the year before. This is the main part of the film:Josh Parker (Breckin Meyer) and Tiffany Henderson have been best friends forever and have been boyfriend and girlfriend since they started liking the opposite sex. Josh goes to school at Ithaca and Tiffany goes to school in Austin, Texas. They try to make their long-distance relationship work, with Josh even going so far as to mail her weekly video tapes (like Skype). But Josh is tempted to get with fellow-student, Beth (Amy Smart), especially since he is somewhat of a rival for her with TA Jacob (Anthony Rapp). After a party, Josh gives in and sleeps with Beth, recording it on tape. His roommate, Rubin (Paulo Costanzo) accidentally mails the sex tape to Tiffany. This beginning of the film is hilarious, even the scene when they find out the wrong tape was mailed. So Josh, Rubin, Josh's best friend E.L. (Seann William Scott) persuade their geeky neighbour, Kyle (DJ Qualls) to take his car and retrieve the tape. The adventure portion is classic road material. They crash a party at a black fraternity, donate sperm, crash Kyle's car, among other things. Meanwhile, Tom Green awaits Rubin's snake eating a mouse and tells Beth that Tiffany is in Boston. Aside from the situations being hilarious, the characters need to be awesome too. Josh is Meyer's usual geek that he always makes work. E.L. is exactly like Stifler from American Pie. I don't mind, Stifler's awesome, E.L. could be his cousin! Rubin is a cool dude and really smart. He is awesome with physics and helps Josh pass his Ancient philosophy exam. Kyle is an ugly wimp who learns to stand up for himself. Tom Green's character's name is Barry Manilow. His obsession with seeing the snake eat the mouse is priceless. The film ends well and funnily too. You can't really say that this movie achieves the status of excellence or anything. This is about enjoying college life. It is just a simple film to make people laugh, without insulting their intelligence.
preppy-3 High school sweethearts Josh (Breckin Meyer) and Tiffany (Rachel Blanchard) are separated when they attend different colleges. She's in Texas, he's in New York. One night a girl seduces Josh and tapes the whole thing. Through ridiculous circumstances he mistakenly sends that tape to Tiffany. When he realizes what he did he decides to drive from NY to TX to get there before the tape (guess he couldn't afford a plane). He naturally brings along three friends (played by Seann William Scott, Paulo Costanzo and DJ Qualls) and "hilarious" complications ensure.I have no problem with gross out humor (which this film has plenty of) but I just ask that it be funny. Unfortunately this film fails in that. The humor is gross but not funny at all. Joke after joke falls flat. I don't think I even smiled once let alone laugh. Even worse we have the endlessly annoying Tom Green serving as a narrator. If you're watching this for female nudity dream on. There's some but VERY little and it just seems to be done in an obligatory manner. Worst of all they start throwing in little moral messages at the end! There's nothing worse than a gross-out film that tries to pretend that it's a nice film! And Amy Smart is on hand giving a dreadful performance.The only thing that made this bearable were two good performances by the very likable Meyer and Scott (playing down his goofiness). But, all in all, I was either bored or disgusted. You can safely skip this one.
SnoosReviews I watched this movie far too much as a teenager, before i had a DVD player i only had a handful of VHS tapes. This was one of them.The story is simple, the main character Josh sleeps with a girl at a party and records it, he then accidentally posts the video to his girlfriend who lives in another state. Then the road trip begins. Josh and his 3 friends set off in a race against time to get to his girlfriend before the tape does!This film is a real American teen type of film that follows the pattern of many in that genre. It has plenty of laugh out loud moments and a very likable group of characters, (bar Tom Green)Definitely worth a watch if you have a couple of hours to kill and fancy an easy watching film with many laughs.