Not Cool
Not Cool
R | 23 September 2014 (USA)
Not Cool Trailers

Former prom king Scott returns home for Thanksgiving break and gets dumped by his long-term girlfriend. With his world turned upside down, Scott strikes an unlikely friendship with former classmate Tori, an ugly duckling who blossomed in her first semester of college, and they embark on an outrageous adventure through their hometown. But when Scott and Tori start falling in love, they realize that a few months away may have changed them more than they realized.

Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Humbersi The first must-see film of the year.
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
stdoan8168 I was expecting to like this movie going in because I happen to think that Shane Dawson has some talent as a comedian. My opinion has severely dropped after this movie.Let me start with the comedy. Most of the dialogue is either cringey or uninspired and the jokes that are supposed to make me laugh because they are gross and random don't work because there is no sense of comedic timing or pacing for each joke. Each joke comes out awkward and forced and most comedies have jokes that tie in to the story but a lot of these jokes are not incorporated very well. The plot is very weak and cliché in a lot of places. The two main leads have to have a fight to propel the third act and you know they are going to end up together somehow because "true love". The screenplay does nothing to help me connect with any of the characters on the screen and most of the characters are deplorable souless beings. We could've at least gotten some funny jokes with the characters from Shane's youtube channel but he decides that these boring and cookie cutter characters are enough to propel the story.The acting is awful but I can feel that Shane is trying in some places but most of the actors need to take some acting lessons.This movie had a horrible sense of pace and the direction is equally awful. The music is some of the most shitty teen melodramatic music I've heard. I am sad that most people who gave this movie a 10/10 probably gave it just because it was Shane Dawson.Shane, I don't hate you but please never do a movie ever again
mariahboley47 Shane Dawson did a great job on this movie. I watched 'The Chair' and you can see how much dedication and soul he put into this movie. All the negativity he's been getting is completely unnecessary. He's been working for his reputation for 8 years now online. He gained all of his fans by himself and I can't see way people can't see that. The movie is Shane completely. If you've seen his videos you'd understand. He's made comedies like this his whole life. He's made a living on YouTube and he's not gonna give up on his dreams no matter how much criticism he gets. He's dealt with negativity his whole life and he's not gonna let a few bad reviews stop him. It's not the end of Shane just yet. Trust me.
July Smith A movie like this to me can be almost completely described by the words minimized comedy. The movie can be minimized, and you doing another task completely while it is playing, and you won't miss too much. You will still get the same giggles, from off colored remarks, as you probably would anyway with watching. As for missing any plot relevant information, because you aren't paying full attention, there is no worry. The writing is laughable. The most typical of typical bollywood comedy love stories. The female lead actress was the most entertaining in the group, while she was still lacking. I believe this was much due to the poor writing though. Even, Drew Monson, the person whom I was enlightened to this movie because of, done quite poor in my opinion. Once again I believe much in due to poor writing, but much more due to lack of experience acting in this case. Shawn Dawson is just a bad actor, I believe, and not near as pretty as he thinks he is. Some of the jokes in this film were just childish, or nothing aside from offensive. Things I would have laughed at, at around the age of 12 and maybe not then some of the time.
dbernk First the good. There are a few good gross out jokes. The lead actress has talent and personality and she should find more (and better) work. Now the bad, It's actually surprising how unfunny the movie is overall. I expected more gross out laughs, but it largely misses. One of the strangest, most unexpected things about the movie is that it is just your standard, basic coming home story done in an aggressively and not terribly funny outlandish style. It tries so hard to be Porky's for a new generation, but (and this is really sad), it doesn't even have the humor of that mediocre movie. A true failure at so many levels.