Saving Christmas
Saving Christmas
PG | 14 November 2014 (USA)
Saving Christmas Trailers

Kirk is enjoying the annual Christmas party extravaganza thrown by his sister until he realizes he needs to help out Christian, his brother-in-law who has a bad case of the bah-humbugs.

Inadvands Boring, over-political, tech fuzed mess
ChicRawIdol A brilliant film that helped define a genre
DipitySkillful an ambitious but ultimately ineffective debut endeavor.
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
cdxlii It's a movie that never starts, never ends and in between is just a lot of slow motion to pad the run time. It's painfully obvious all the way through that they didn't even come close to have enough story or movie to fill out the run time, so the solution was giving the movie 3-4 different beginnings, inexplicable and gratuitous slow motion shots all the way through, characters repeating the same thing at each other ad nauseam, and a hip hop dance scene that goes on forever despite only one person taking part in that scene actually knowing how to dance.If your thing is watching bad movies don't even bother, it's incredibly dull. You can just look up the two scenes worth watching: the scene where the alien wearing Kirk Cameron like a skin suit is drinking from what is clearly an empty cup and the one where santa is beating up some dude to a dubstep soundtrack (in slow motion of course).
benjaminweber This film is completely off-the-wall crazy. It is one of those rare films that has the power to descend to the depths of insanity, dragging its helpless audience along with it, until WHAM! The phrase "Aspergers in your burgers" is uttered by a man holding a cup of coffee in front of his mouth. The madness is universally expressed by all characters present, leading to an unsettling conclusion: this is not about Jesus at all, but a tale of a party in which the hot chocolate somehow becomes contaminated with marijuana. Suddenly the strange giggling in the car, the hallucinogenic Santa segment and the random conspiracy theory scene with two minor characters makes sense when viewed this way. It makes more sense than the idea someone thought this movie was a good idea, anyway!
againyes Terrible Christian message delivered in a way that will upset even the highest Believers. Bad acting a plot of nothingness, and Cameron trying to force God down the throat of the audience. Not one part of this thing is worth viewing. You will be more entertained and have faith in watching Grandma got run over by a reindeer.
Windwarrior75 . Never before have I seen a movie this boring in my life. There's nothing interesting going on. All this film is is just Kirk being preachy about what Christmas is all about, uninteresting dialogue, and philosophies that drag on for too long.The acting is garbage. Everyone is either annoying, bland, or even unintentionally hilarious.There is not much effort into the production value as most of the movie takes place in either the car or the house.The writing is also awful. Apparently, Christain is a jerk and he is ruining Christmas for everyone even though he never publicly said to anyone (aside from Kirk) that he hated Christmas. He just simply hid away from the party.Overall this film stands as one of the worst I have ever seen. I can only recommend this film to true masochists. Everyone else, stay away from this movie.