L.E.T.H.A.L. Ladies: Return to Savage Beach
L.E.T.H.A.L. Ladies: Return to Savage Beach
R | 27 January 1998 (USA)
L.E.T.H.A.L. Ladies: Return to Savage Beach Trailers

A stolen computer disk contains the location of a hidden tresaure trove. It's up to the sexy ladies of LETHAL (Legion to Ensure Total Harmony and Law) to find the treasure before the bad guys do.

SunnyHello Nice effects though.
Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
danielemerson This is one of legendary auteur Andy Sidaris' later efforts, and the cracks are beginning to show in his formula.The women who are the centrepiece of his films used to be somewhat enhanced, but by this point, they are positively deformed. It is a wonder they can stand up, let alone perform. The standard Sidaris squib shootout in the woods becomes even less believable than usual when your leading ladies can no longer hide behind a tree without something sticking out.The early pacing in the film is slow, and if you've been watching Andy's films in order, the action set-pieces look recycled.The female leads in this effort make you realise that previous Sidaris muses Dona Speir, Hope Marie Carlton and Roberta Vasquez, while not actually great actors, brought a ton more enthusiasm, effort and fun to their parts than the cast of 'Return to Savage Beach'. Julie Strain, in particular, recites her lines as if she'd rather be anywhere else.However, their male beefcake counterparts are dull enough to make the women look vaguely competent.The upsides? Gerald Okamura has fun with his brief screen time and Sidaris regular Rodrigo Obregon is very enjoyable, even channelling a bit of Gomez Addams when he dances with Carrie Westcott's character/breasts. So, not primo triple-G entertainment. You can find more enjoyment in earlier works like 'Hard Ticket', 'Do or Die' or a few others from this director. They have essentially the same ingredients, but are just better cooked.
noworneverprod okay, forget that the entire cast makes Shatner look like Orson Welles, this flick rocks! I love it! One of my faves. The horrible acting actually makes it more fun IMHO. The awful acting of the 2 male leads is laughable and totally funny. And then there's the girls: seeing Julie K. Smith and Shae Marks in those white tops toward the end are amazing. Also Shae in that white 'business outfit earlier in the film at their HQ is not to be missed! What I love about Sidaris films is that they're fun. If they didn't have the giant silicone breasts, they would not be. All hail Andy Sidaris! Nice to see Kevin Eastman, the guy from Heavy Metal magazine making a cameo. The only other Sidaris film that possibly beats this one as far as breast-size is Do Or Die.
sidious-15 It seems to me that the only reason you make a movie like this is to show nudity and gratuitous sex. If that's the case, why did this movie go 45 minutes without a sex scene? You're waiting for them, too. I sat there and was like, "Oh, OK, they're gonna get it on!... Well, maybe not." "YES! FINALLY!... Oh, wait, I guess not." They spend so much time teasing and hinting that you expect it every second, then quickly lose interest. And there are only two sex scenes in the entire movie. Both are dull. Perhaps it's wrong of me to be watching this for the sex scenes, but can you blame me? The movie couldn't possibly deliver on anything else.For the Bagwell fans out there, yeah, he's good. He also has a love scene. But don't be hoping for anything good. It's dull and they don't do much to each other. They tease you with hinting about sex scenes, and then when they finally hit you, they tease you DURING the sex scene.This movie suffers from schizophrenia. It wants to be Playboy, Red Shoe Diaries, and 007 rolled into one. You'd be much better off renting Playboy, Red Shoe, or 007 to fill your particular craving as this movie does NONE of the genres well. I'll say one final thing for this movie. It defies expectations. And again, no, NOT in a good way.
knockers Similar to Acalpuco HEAT, the syndicated TV show, this is a secret service agency that fights terrorists. The notable exception of this movie is that every female character has enormous boobs. Most of the women easily surpass Double D cup sizes. Every female character is matched with a studly male coagent who has to have sex with their respective costar during the movie at least once. This doesn't leave much time for a realistic plot scene, but hey, if you are watching this, you weren't really expecting much but Tits and Ass were you? Of note, this is when Shae Marks breasts were at her biggest before she had some of the silicone taken out. They are impressive to say the least