Smosh: The Movie
Smosh: The Movie
PG-13 | 23 July 2015 (USA)
Smosh: The Movie Trailers

An embarrassing video of Anthony surfaces online right before his fifth high school reunion. The Smosh dudes then race to pull down the clip before it blows Anthony's chances of reconnecting with his teen crush Anna.

Ehirerapp Waste of time
LouHomey From my favorite movies..
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Ilikehorrormovies I'd like their old videos better than the new ones. When I watch this movie IT WAS SO STUPID. I'd rather watch Fant4stic (2015) then this piece of crap. The reason why they made this movie because they need money obviously. It's unfunny like Clerks (1994) is pretty hilarious so what it's black and white it don't need color in order to be a good film. If I'd own that movie I'll break it in little pieces and threw it away like a bad habit. Please don't waste your time with this film watch Clerks (1994), Clerks 2 (2006), Grandma's Boy (2006), Paul (2011), Office Space (1999), Jay And Silent Bob Stricks Back (2001), Beavis And Butthead Do America (1996), and Pinapple Express (2009).
beetle-259-554148 This review was written on another site nearly two years ago, when Anthony was still part of Smosh.**THE REVIEW**I watched the movie last night. As a long-time Smosher I was disappointed that Boxman didn't show up. Or Sergeant Anous, Billy Jean, Stevie, Charlie, That Damn Neighbor, Teleporting Fat Guy, or Ian's REAL mom!!! I thought that there would be tons of references to their videos and that their YouTube channel and videos would be a big part of the movie but no, not even an appearance of Ian's pink- frosted sprinkle donuts!!I thought that you would have to know a lot about Smosh to understand the movie, but this didn't have to be a Smosh movie. It could've starred two different people, had a different title and it still would've worked. This movie doesn't even acknowledge that they're famous YouTubers. The only tie-in to Smosh it has are the title, the "SHUT UP" at the beginning, and our two main characters.If Ian and Anthony ever make another movie, I hope it has more to do with Smosh itself. I'd love to see all of their famous characters in a feature length movie. Anous, Charlie, Billy, Jean, Stevie, etc!! Maybe even PokeMon if they can get the rights.**END OF REVIEW**However, since Anthony left Smosh in June, I don't think there will ever be another Smosh movie or Food Battle... unless Anthony comes to his senses and goes back to Smosh. Why he would leave such a successful job and channel that he co-founded and co-owned since the beginning of YouTube back in 2005 is beyond me.
Sam Cannon This isn't an entirely honest review, as I didn't finish watching the film, but what I saw was awful, and didn't justify me finishing it.I don't like Smosh, but they have several things going for them. They have an outrageous and immature sense of humor, and are good at editing those sensibilities together, however, this film completely disregards the little charm Smosh has and instead creates one of the most bland, boring and humorless comedies I've ever seen.The film consists entirely of A shot B shot, back and forth. There is no variety, no clever editing tricks or gags, just cringy dialogue, awkward acting and too many cameos.
JackTheCritic -_- Well what can I say about this movie. IT'S ATROCIOUS. The writers ( Eric Falconer and Steve Marmel) are complete morons for writing this piece of garbage. The plot (if you can call it one) is Anthony attempts to impress his crush, Anna Reed , by trying to do a back-flip, but he fails, landing on his face, and the microphone lands in his anus. They both decide to pull down the video before it blows Anthony's chances of reconnecting with his crush. This movie's budget was 5 Million Dollars and the money used not used properly. This movie was produced by AWESOMENESS TV, the company with the biggest amount of fail. The movie felt like it was aimed for a 5 year- old, due to the awful jokes, the unfunny humor, and every single thing that would be in their crappy videos. This movie is so bad it makes your eyes bleed, and it makes you want to go to sleep in this bore fest. In long story short, this movie is really bad, so make sure you stay away from this abomination that is referred to as a movie. - JackTheCritic.