Bad Night
Bad Night
| 21 July 2015 (USA)
Bad Night Trailers

When Kate and Abby are mistaken for famous art thieves, their fun night out quickly goes from good to bad.

Sharkflei Your blood may run cold, but you now find yourself pinioned to the story.
Motompa Go in cold, and you're likely to emerge with your blood boiling. This has to be seen to be believed.
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
smidgetimy The first half of the movie is cringe-inducing and uncomfortable, but sticking through it gave me an entertaining second half, where the movie becomes a goofy action-comedy. The supporting characters in the first half are unbearable, but the supporting characters that show up in the second half are all pretty good. Unfortunately, the lead two girls end up being the weakest characters in comparison. Jenn McAllister is enjoyable enough on YouTube, but in this movie she really can't act. Lauren Luthringhausen is decent enough, though. The plot is annoyingly confusing at times. I recommend it only if you enjoy dumb movies.
hbs This is a low-budget screwball comedy. It's very far from something like Bringing Up Baby, but I was surprised how much I enjoyed it (except for the 'gag' involving bodily functions - why do so many movies insist on including this?).The plot isn't nearly as involved as a classic screwball comedy, but it's still amusing. The leads are inexperienced but have a charming offhand manner and are clearly enjoying themselves: it may lack polish but enthusiasm can make up for a lot of rough edges.Anyway, the plot is a bit of fluff about mistaken identities (and barf), and there is almost no tension, but there are some good lines, the supporting cast is at least competent, I imagine it will give you a few laughs.
zif ofoz A budget two girls in the inner city adventure movie that will stir your interest, make you laugh, make you smile, and want to see it again! Abby and Kate are on an art appreciation high school class field trip. The class must spend one night in the city (due to a rather funny and messy circumstance). Our two adventurous girls are not about to spend a night in L. A. in a motel room. So they sneak out of their motel room to have fun in the city. Right from the start - unknown to them - they are unintentionally mixed in with 'the wrong crowd'.It's funny, with suspense. There are goofy bad guys. And if you watch all the way to the end there is a little moral message given - tell the truth, nobody is going to believe you.This flick was on a budget but the actors, plot, dialog, and 'look' of the movie are first class and well worth watching! Jenn McAllister is so cute!
sales-36376 Followed Facebook recommendations and bought this movie. Bravo. It's amazing that kids can go from posting on YouTube to actual films like this. I knew an Bout jennxpenn but I hadn't heard of the other girl Lauren. Well done movie with some hilarious one liners and characters. Don't want to spoil anything but they do have some scenes like the U.S. Ride that had me rolling on the floor. They could have done more with the trailer. Honestly the trailer made me second guess watching the film. All in all worth it. You do have to set up a Vimeo account but then you're good to go. Wish I could get the movie in HD 4K instead of 720p but that Apple TV fault I believe.