Stealing Harvard
Stealing Harvard
PG-13 | 13 September 2002 (USA)
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John and his girlfriend have vowed to marry once they save $30,000 for their dream house. But the minute they achieve their financial goal, John finds out his niece has been accepted at Harvard, and he's reminded of his promise to pay for her tuition (nearly $30,000). John's friend Duff convinces him to turn to petty crime to make the payment … but Duff's hare-brained schemes spin quickly out of control.

ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Python Hyena Stealing Harvard (2002): Dir: Bruce McCulloch / Cast: Jason Lee, Tom Green, Leslie Mann, Dennis Farina, Richard Jenkins: Pitiful comedy about stealing success, or in this case stealing for the good of another. Jason Lee has $30, 000 saved for a house but he learns that he made a video taped promise to his niece that he would pay her way through college. The problem is that he hasn't the money. Desperate he turns to brain dead pal Tom Green who suggests crime. This lands Lee in the wrong house where he is forced at gun point to dress in drag to impersonate someone's deceased wife. Embarrassing with an ending that applauds crime. Director Bruce McCulloch does a decent job at setting up the jokes but the production is lackluster. Lee is wasted in this cardboard role, and Green plays his usual embarrassing persona bent on vulgar humour. Leslie Mann overacts as a woman who cries during sex. Perhaps she realized what a bad career move this is and just let it all out. Dennis Farina plays an overprotective boss. He couldn't have been too protective or he would have avoided this mess altogether. Richard Jenkins plays a character with a double life that comes full circle in the conclusion. Pointless charade that serves mainly as a stage for Green and a mistake for Lee. Someone should steal this film and hide it under someone's car tire for the ultimate grade. Score: 2 / 10
mario_c This film was conceived to be stupid and it made it. It is... stupid! I don't mean by this it hasn't its moments of fun, it certainly does, but if we analyze them they are just... stupid humor! The entire film is based in this concept which is by the way the Tom Green's method to do comedy. He looks stupid, he behaves stupid, so he does stupid humor being basically...stupid! The film has a lot of stars, very well known actors with nice careers; all of them subjugated to the stupid methods of Tom Green to do comedy. As told I think the movie has a few funny scenes which made me laugh, but they aren't enough to compensate the rest which is pure stupidity! I score it 3/10 because of the few funny jokes.
animalfan92 I enjoyed this movie. Well, it might not be the best, but it had good actors who delivered well. Tom Green was absolutely hilarious. So was Jason Lee. I can see why people don't like this movie, but I actually thought that this movie was better than I ever expected. I expected it to be okay, and I actually really liked it after I saw it. I still really like it. It has everything for a good movie, but maybe it met the minimal standard on them. I disagree with my own previous statement myself, but it's a reason why others might not like it. I guess it was just my type of movie. I say watch it, I assure you it is at least not a waste of time. It has no really bad parts where you regret it because it's awful. I think that because it has no tremendous high points it officially becomes an awful movie. I say see it, and if you don't like it, oh well.
Michael I really loved this movie. Most of my friends really loved this movie. But it takes a rather rare breed to appreciate the type of comedy it employs. I'd definitely recommend it to anybody who likes Jason Lee--he's stellar as always.Tom Green fans may not like it, though, because the comedy is rather subdued and very devoid of gross humor.The jokes rely heavily on the chemistry between the slapstick guy and the straight man--Tom and Jason being phenomenal examples of these categories, respectively.I say give it a try: if you hate it, you wasted less than 2 hours--big deal. But if you like it, chances are you'll love it.
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