| 01 April 2002 (USA)
Swindle Trailers

Four thieves attempt to make the richest score in history.

Micitype Pretty Good
Ploydsge just watch it!
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Enchorde Recap: Seth George plays a risky game working his way into a crew planning a big bank job. But it pays off and finally the day comes when the hit goes down. But Seth gets suspicious quickly. The plan depends on the police being alerted, creating a hostage situation, with the crew slipping out unnoticed in the end through a unknown maintenance tunnel. But what is the mastermind Sophie really after, she is completely uninterested by the bank's money. And partner Cisco and Seth just can't play along. But Seth got a trick up his own sleeve, he is cop. But he is also far over the line and can't be sure he won't be arrested when this ends. If he can survive that long.Comments: An average heist movie starring Tom Sizemore as Seth. Sizemore is a good actor, especially in this genre, the heist thriller. But he got little support. The cast is mostly unknown and though they don't fall through completely they don't impress either. Nor does the story. It is predictable and even though it tries to add another level by cutting in time, adding background information and extra substories through a series of flashbacks, it is still rather simple.But anyone expecting more going in is living in a fantasy world, and is up for a big disappointment. Yes, these kinds of movies can be real gems, but to expect it? I didn't, and therefore Swindle worked alright. It delivered 90 minutes of good entertainment, what it was made to do, nothing more nothing less. I won't remember it for all time, but I'm not supposed to either. This is a movie made with an average budget for an average result. And that it delivers. This is movie that works very well if nothing else is on.5/10
Ben Burgraff (cariart) It is doubtful that you'll remember much about $WINDLE for long; as a 'heist' film with an undercover cop (Tom Sizemore) falling for mastermind Sherilyn Fenn, it is pretty much 'by the numbers', with the mandatory 'psycho gang member' (Conrad Pla), a plot twist that isn't that surprising, and a resolution that is predictable (save for Dave Foley's unexpected windfall). What provides the greatest pleasure in the film are the performances of Sizemore and Fenn, who are both terrific.Tom Sizemore is a fast-talking, quick-witted cop who is deep undercover as a freelance hood 'recruited' for an old-fashioned bank job, and whether he is quoting Jack Kerouac while seducing Fenn, savoring a high-stakes poker game, or trying to explain to his partner that he's not on the 'take', he dominates the screen each time he appears.Sherilyn Fenn is a marvel. After surviving early roles best remembered for her frequent nude scenes (TWO MOON JUNCTION, MERIDIAN), she has matured into an actress of some range and a remarkable sensitivity. When she describes men's usual 'pick up' lines ("Nice dress...It would look great on my floor"), there is a world-weariness and pain in her voice that is totally honest. At 37, she has achieved a balance between her still breathtaking beauty and growing dramatic skills that, in a 'kinder' world, would provide her better roles in more than just 'Indie' films.$WINDLE isn't a great film, but catch it, anyway, for Sizemore and Fenn. You won't be disappointed!
Enochian Synopsis : Tom Sizemore plays an undercover cop, who infiltrates a gang (led by the gorgeously curvy Sherilyn Fenn) planning a heist at a bank, where Dave Foley is the manager.. The movie unfolds as a series of flashbacks (to describe how the whole thing was set up) that occur as the robbery is taking place.. While the plans are being made, Tom semi-falls in love with Fenn and loses contact with his superiors leaving them to wonder which side he is on.. The plan is conceived as a smooth get in - get out operation, but things quickly start going wrong.. There are a couple of plot twists along the way, and the climax is satisfying if not mind-blowing..My Comments : The lead cast is pretty good since I consider both Sizemore and Fenn to be very good, underrated actors.. Though it seems as if it was made on a shoe-string budget, their acting along with the support cast is reasonably strong... The script and dialogue, though smattered with heist movie cliches, can be witty at times.. In short, this is an eminently watchable movie for those Sunday afternoons, when you're all done with laundry and have nothing else at hand..
George Anagnostopoulos ** SLIGHT SPOILER **I don't usually rent a video on a Saturday night, so when I do I really want it to be enjoyable. This one was. I got more than I expected. I'm a sucker for movies with a twist in the end, so naturally I loved this one. Clever dialogue, the script was not bad, direction was good, the story-telling speed was just right.No complaints, I got more than I had hoped for.