13 Sins
13 Sins
R | 18 April 2014 (USA)
13 Sins Trailers

Drowning in debt as he's about to get married, a bright but meek salesman receives a mysterious phone call informing him that he's on a hidden-camera game show where he must execute 13 tasks to receive a multi-million dollar cash prize.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
VividSimon Simply Perfect
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Mikelikesnotlikes I really liked this film for a few reasons. The constant escalation is fantastic. The clever script is so good I couldn't poke any holes in the logic. The psychology involved and the chain of events chosen to move the story along were completely believable.The way the Puppet-Master laid the trap was quite brilliant. Finding a desperate man. The no-risk easy money. The initial threat of losing the winnings to prevent the contestant from dropping out. The willingness of the contestant to step outside their behavioral norms. Taking away the contestants free-will as they are forced to continue on despite knowing the repercussions of their actions.The unlimited resources of the ultra-rich, ultra-powerful, (ultra- borer?) Game Watchers have a god-like presence throughout the movie. At first I guessed it must be the Devil. Some might argue it is.The paranoid guy was probably not necessary but the scenes did add to the story. Nice twists at the end with, dad, brother, wife and the cop.A really good, low-budget film.
Leofwine_draca 13 SINS is the American remake of the Thai horror film 13: GAME OF DEATH, which is well worth watching for anyone interested in the subject matter. It goes without saying that this remake is by far the inferior movie, although those who haven't seen the original might enjoy it regardless. The story is about a down-on-his-luck guy, struggling financially, who finds himself tasked with performing a series of tasks in return for money.The stakes start off low but gradually build to more and more extreme situations. The budget for the film is low but the events staged are quite convincing, although it's unfortunate that some of the better tasks from the Thai original are skipped over. The main actor isn't particularly good but Ron Perlman is effective as the dogged cop investigating the case. The usual gamut of shocking scenes, bad taste moments, and gore are enough to keep this little story watchable.
Martin Bradley "13 Sins" is an engagingly daft, amusing (in a very black kind of way), and fairly disconcerting 'horror' film that finds wimp Mark Webber, (very good), being offered a fortune by a nameless voice on the telephone, (the Devil himself?), if he completes 13 tasks, each one more bizarre and horrific than the one before. It's a novel idea and very nicely handled by director Daniel Stamm and it came and went without anyone really knowing it was there, (a lack of names in the cast probably didn't help; the biggest name here is Ron Perlman who drifts in and out and is obviously there for the pay cheque). It may be no classic but it's certainly worth seeking out.
MattyGibbs A desperate salesman in need of money to support his family agrees to take part in a series of challenges to gain money. The set up is pretty clumsy but the fun of this film is seeing what the challenges are and how the salesman completes them. The challenges start simple but quickly get more and more sinister. The film is greatly helped by a good and likable performance from the lead Mark Webber as the everyman put in situations he doesn't want to be in. Good, solid support is provided from the rest of the cast including Ron Perlman. The film is fast paced and there is a great air of tension built up as the tasks escalate and the web closes in. It does become a little SAW like and at times it does become a bit hard to watch. However it does always manage to keep your attention.This is a film not to think too much about but just to enjoy and on that score this film delivered for me.