R | 13 June 2003 (USA)
Octane Trailers

After a family visit, stressed businesswoman Senga Wilson is driving with her rebellious daughter, Nat, down an ominous highway in the middle of the night. After they pick up a weird teenage hitchhiker, their journey goes awry. Nat decides to give her mom the slip and runs off with the hitchhiker at a rest stop. In a desperate search to find her daughter, Senga learns that Nat has been drawn into an evil cult.

Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
ctomvelu-1 Let's be honest: We all watched OCTANE because it starred Madeline Stowe, she of BLINK and MOHICANS fame. But what a comedown this appears to have been for the once-intriguing Ms. Stowe, who here plays the troubled mom of a troubled teenage daughter who runs off with a cult. Mom of course immediately goes after daughter. Wouldn't you? Unfortunately, I did not get all the way through to the end, and will have to watch this oddly titled film again. What I saw started off with a David Lynchian, weirdo sort-of bang but quickly headed downhill as Ms. Stowe transforms from a neurotic, skinny lady with a truly disturbing hairdo to the new Lara Croft as she hunts down her crazy kid. As for Ms. Stowe's bizarre and unflattering haircut (you have to see it to believe it), I attribute to the film being shot in Dutch-land, where bizarre haircuts are pretty commonplace. I would be surprised to hear OCTANE ever made it to theaters here. Poor Ms. Stowe. Looks like she may be joining Wesley Snipes, Steven Segall and Jean-Claude Van Damme in the twilight world of STVs. How brightly shone her star at one time!
Jan Strydom If you're not the type of person that likes a film to be too complicated, then don't bother, you'll be able to catch the storyline if you pay pretty good attention, but, there is one plot hole that kind of stuck with me, that being, how did the main villain {the father} know all those things about Senga? That was the only thing that kept running through my head while watching it, otherwise it was a good film with a well done tone, and some creepy moments that might give you the chills if you picture someone actually doing them in real life.Overall, it pulls of the blur between what's real and what's not thing very well, and will hold your interest from start to finish, but I don't recommend it to anyone who doesn't like a movie that confuses them to much.
Paul Andrews Octane starts late one night as Senga Wilson (Madeleine Stowe) is driving her daughter Natasha (Mischa Barton) home, en-route they have a big argument at a rest stop & Natasha storms off in a mood with some people in a camper-van. Senga thinks Natasha has been kidnapped & tries to get the police involved but they don't believe her, Senga decides to pursue the camper-van on her own in an attempt to get her daughter back...Known under the title Pulse on DVD in the US this English Luxembourg co-production was directed by Marcus Adams & if truth be told it's a bit of a mess but it's an intriguing mess which I actually enjoyed watching even if it did leave me somewhat frustrated. Stephen Volk who wrote the script has apparently gone on record as saying Adams re-wrote large parts of it, changing important plot points & altering character's so maybe that accounts for some of it's faults. On a basic level as the viewer I found Octane quite intriguing, it has an engaging premise full of mystery which is supposed to keep us guessing until the very end which to be fair it does but unfortunately it also keeps you guessing after the end because after a good 60 odd minutes it all falls apart & the ending is a bit of jumbled up mess. Who the people are that took Natasha is never fully revealed, why they carry around flasks of blood is never made clear either, why they are trying to seduce Natasha in wind tunnel in a huge car factory is seemingly put in there at random & makes no logical sense to anything. Then there's the odd revelation that the Father knows that Senga tried to abort Natasha while she was pregnant, how did he know this? The whole film feels like it's only half finished, there are some good ideas here which are just either left hanging in the air or never expanded upon in any satisfactory way. It's a bit of a mess but it's a mess I quite liked, had all the ideas been fleshed out better in a more coherent script Octane could have been great but as it is it isn't.Director Adams films with style & Octane looks good but he should have spent a bit more time on sorting his script out so it made sense. There's no gore here apart from a scene when someone pierces their bellybutton & when someone slices their own tongue with a razor blade, there's no nudity either. At under 90 minutes it short enough & I liked the character's but in the end there's too many unanswered questions which left me frustrated & annoyed. The musical score was provided by Paul & Phil Hartnoll collectively better known as Orbital.With a supposed budget of about $11,500,000 this was a well funded film & it's very well made with high production values. Set in America but filmed in Luxumbourg, nothing quite looks or feels right in that respect. The acting is alright, Stowe is particularly good in this.Octane is probably one of those love it or hate it films for most people, it will either capture your imagination & you will love it or it will leave you so frustrated & annoyed you'll hate it. Just to totally contradict myself I'm probably between the two, I was impressed with the ideas behind it & how it unfolds but was left disappointed by a terrible ending which makes little sense.
jojo_m Also...i think this film is too short. first i didn't understand it, because everything changes too fast. for example why was the trucker first bad and then good...or why kissed Natalie Jonathan Rhys - Meyers and then he tries to kill her???! that makes no sense. i didn't understand well, what the cult tries to do. there is a video-game, an accident and the mystery of the cult. by the way, the persons didn't speak much...it was always action but nobody talked! however, my opinion is, the film is good (and very thrilling!) but is not easy to understand what the cult wants to do with Natalie. i think "octane" is for everybody who likes horror and likes to see much blood...