The Judge
The Judge
R | 10 October 2014 (USA)
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A successful lawyer returns to his hometown for his mother's funeral only to discover that his estranged father, the town's judge, is suspected of murder.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
GrimPrecise I'll tell you why so serious
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Jade Chan Family relationships are often messy, confusing, and heartbreaking. This movie acknowledges that. Family relationships are also honest, tender, central to one's identity. This movie recognizes that, too."The Judge" is a mature movie that takes all the time it needs to establish its characters, their relationships with each other, and to show off their thought processes and evolution. It is in no hurry to enforce opinions on you, doesn't take the easy way out, and lets the viewer draw his own conclusions. The story follows a middle-aged man lawyer who is still struggling in his relationship with his authoritative father, because those are not issues that go away all of a sudden when you're a father yourself; a man full of contradictions and stuck in an eternal defensive attitude. Robert Duvall and Robert Downey Jr. are both outstanding as father as son. Their explosive arguments and the entire dynamic of their relationship feels extremely genuine. All these unspoken resentments, all those little and bigger wounds that never really heal but fester over time are explored. The rest of the family dynamic, from the brothers with whom Hank (Downey) has a rather peaceful and tender relationship to the ex-girlfriend who seems to know him better than anyone, are interesting and authentic. No one is made too likable or given easy forgiveness; the character are nuanced and balanced.The courtroom drama was taken really seriously, too; it was thrilling to me and seemed very authentic. I loved the two other lawyers we encountered, and how different understandings of the law converge in one intense testimony scene. Nothing very Hollywoodesque to the courtroom narrative for me; it almost seemed European in its serious and professional tone (then I'm biased). No big reveal or unnecessary drama, just serious prosecution. Yes, this movie could have been shorter; yes, the story-line is neither original nor mind-blowing. Watch it for Robert Duvall and Robert Downey Jr. and an outstanding supporting cast setting the screen ablaze with emotions; watch it because with all its random elements and bittersweetness and ambivalences, it feels a lot like real life.
Ian (Flash Review)First off, the acting was good. Probably the highlight, even though Duvall and Downey Jr. stick within their expected roles. If only the story wasn't so template and didn't telegraph plot-points. Downey Jr. plays the big city, fast-talking lawyer with the quick wit and Duvall, his father, the small-town judge with squeaky clean morals. Son comes back home for mother's funeral and as the story unfolds around father's recent car accident, who big city lawyer son ends up defending him, their relationship and buried emotions begin to surface. Good acting around the overly-dramatic scenes, typically unrealistic courtroom scenes as well as the stereotypical divorced, single and attractive woman to mix it up with Downey Jr. It was a fine movie, something to pass the time and enjoy but certainly nothing to ponder for later.
drpakmanrains Really looked forward to this film, although newspaper reviews were lukewarm, since I have always liked courtroom type stories. (My father was a lawyer). And with actors like Robert Duvall and Robert Downey Jr., how bad could it be? Answer: Not bad, really, but still disappointing. First, it was soooo long, nearly two-and-a-half hours, while the story wasn't all that complicated. Second, the script was what I call overwritten, meaning that much of what was said was very complex and sounded contrived, yet spoken very quickly, so it made me feel that the actors were just reciting their lines, not speaking from the heart. I think Duvall was better than Downey overall, as I find his glib style, similar to his awkward moments in "Chef", to be annoying after awhile, even obnoxious. Plus it was fairly predictable, even though it took almost forever to get there.
Uriah43 "Hank Palmer" (Robert Downey Jr.) is a highly competent defense attorney who suffers from having grown up in a dysfunctional family. The primary cause of the family turmoil was his father's inability to connect with any of his three sons and his constant criticisms of them. As it so happens, the father "Joseph Palmer" (Robert Duvall) is a well-respected judge who is completely devoted to the law. However, when he is involved in a deadly hit-and-run he rejects the assistance of his son even though he knows that he is the key to his acquittal. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this film had more than its share of deep-seated family dynamics resulting in some rather heavy drama. And it was the acting that brought everything together as both of the aforementioned actors delivered stellar performances. Having said that, this movie probably won't appeal to everybody but I recommend it to those who might want to watch a film of this type. I have rated it accordingly. Above average.