Left Behind
Left Behind
PG-13 | 03 October 2014 (USA)
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A small group of survivors are left behind after millions of people suddenly vanish during the rapture and the world is plunged into chaos and destruction.

IslandGuru Who payed the critics
Wordiezett So much average
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
Andy Harris Whilst I appreciate everyone has an opinion, it's hard to believe some of the ratings and jugements made on this movie... I know these days everything is either "totally amazing" or "utter crap" but the reality is that most things are somewhere in between... And this movie is no different. It is not brilliant, but it is not crap either. Nicholas Cage gets a lot of bad press for his movies, but this I think is a better one that a lot of his latest ones. The story is of course based on the Christian 'Rapture', but that in itself is not rammed down your throat and the movie is not preachy at all. It turns outs it's just a reasonable disaster movie with a sub plot that is setup for more movies in the series as per the books it's based on. The overall acting was good, the effects reflect the movies budget and the script did okay! Not an oscar winner, but also not a bad movie!
tedkraan The film starts out okay-ish and it slowly moves to it's premise, which requires a bit of a leap of faith. (But hey, that's okay for SciFi or Fantasy)And then the rest of the story doesn't develop any further. It's all the aftermath of this single event. It just turned into a boring plane disaster movie.I haven't read the book or seen the predecessor, so I went in pretty open-minded. Also a lot of characters act a bit quirky. I thought that would be explained later on or something, but it all just fell flat and became a really boring ordeal overal.My advice; better ways to waste your time.
Caglatureray Most stupid-est movie ever. If you were gonna make a doomsday movie, at least you should have made it about the doomsday! Not about a plane landing and emotional relationship fuss.
ed-de-tollenaer I just saw the worst movie ever, that is what happened! Oh My God, oh no, I cannot say that after watching this movie or else I will not go to heaven. Stay away from this movie. Not sure what drugs Nicholas Cage used when he signed for this. Even Sharknado is better than this...
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