Ocean's Eleven
Ocean's Eleven
PG-13 | 07 December 2001 (USA)
Ocean's Eleven Trailers

Less than 24 hours into his parole, charismatic thief Danny Ocean is already rolling out his next plan: In one night, Danny's hand-picked crew of specialists will attempt to steal more than $150 million from three Las Vegas casinos. But to score the cash, Danny risks his chances of reconciling with ex-wife, Tess.

Develiker terrible... so disappointed.
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Cody One of the best movies of the year! Incredible from the beginning to the end.
betty dalton Lost count of how many times I have seen it. Enjoyed it everytime. Never mind the sequels, only "Oceans Eleven" is the real deal, the gem amongst ALL heist movies. With an amazing star cast featuring George Clooney, Brad PItt and Julia Roberts this picture is an actors walhalla. Splendid direction by the man who has got the best fingerspitzengefuhl of entire Hollywood, Mister Steven Soderbergh.Eleven men rob a casino. One of them has got a Ted Nugent shirt. That's the story. Will they succeed? That's the suspense. How do they do it? That's the brilliance of this masterful story. There are so many little subtle details that are eye candy that even after having watched it over 20 times I still get surprised by it. Those who wrote this story really must have had a field day, because the plot is simple but how the story is revealed to the public is very intelligent. Highly enjoyable twists and turns.Entertaining for the masses and entertainig for the movie critics too. It is liked by everyone. "Ocean's Eleven" has got it all. It is one of those classics that will stand the test of time. A movie that you can watch at any time, with anyone for every occasion. It is the ultimate crowd pleasing heist flick, but it is done so brilliantly, it deserves nothing but praise. And a good laugh!
mirovoi It's been a long time since I was disguisted by a film so much. I sorely regret almost 2 hours of my time spent on watching this ****, and am writing this review only to warn curious people to stay away from this garbage.Put simply, this film has zero suspense, zero surprises and it gets zero sympathy from me. The characters are the worst - they are a bunch of arrogant, rich con-men who decide to steal a ton of money from the casino vault. That's it. Just because they want and they can. They design and execute an elaborate plan, and of course they win and, as the ending suggests, live happily ever after. No regret, no second thoughts, just happiness from stealing millions from casino employees - dealers, guards, cooks and all the rest who work there, because it's them who will get the cut to recoup the casino losses. Benedict (the casino owner) will restore his wealth, he's a rich guy anyway, but the majority who work at casinos won't be so lucky. Their lives will be ruined, just because some criminals decided to have fun and steal millions of their dollars, all sitting conveniently in a vault.The cast is really spectacular, but it can't save this film. It has absolutely atrocious moral message, it is boring and predictable and I honestly can't imagine who might like this, let alone recommend this "masterpiece" to others. Apparently, crime does pay - it has paid for "heroes" of this movie without any repercussions, and it has paid for the director, who swindled millions out of pockets of moviegoers with this turd.
Tkbn3812 Ocean's Eleven sets out to be an engaging, thrilling yet fun heist movie, and it manages to accomplish just that. It's stunning, it's simple, it's brilliant. Everything about the movie, from the pacing to the acting and dialogue, is done with so much thought and so well.Ocean's Eleven has quite the typical heist film plot. A criminal, Danny Ocean (played by George Clooney) plans to pull off possibly the biggest heist in the history of the United States, planning to rob $160 million from three casinos in one night. It's no easy task, and he seeks out a team of people (eleven, to be exact), of which include great actors such as Brad Pitt, Matt Damon and Carl Reiner.I think it's easily the acting that makes this heist film such a standout from other similar films. Matt Damon is so innocent and yet so powerful, and Carl Reiner plays Saul very well, but for me the two best actors had to be George Clooney and Brad Pitt. Together their characters Danny and Rusty lead the team in real style, right from the get-go. Clooney plays his character stunningly, honestly yet with plenty of fun injected into it. Brad Pitt shines in his role, just so...amazing. The highlight of his character for me was easily when he casually got Basher out of an arrest. The dialogue in this movie couples itself perfectly with the acting. It's just such witty, fun dialogue. It's the type of dialogue many may cringe at, but if you're watching this movie you've got to remember that it's just trying to have fun. Everything from the content, the timing, the delivery of the lines, is done so well.Personally, and rather obviously, the highlight of the film had to be the heist. The movie doesn't waste time getting to the heist like other heist films (I'm looking at you Fast Five...which actually copied an awful lot from this movie), and once it gets to the heist it doesn't muck around. It just rolls with it, and it has plenty of witty fun along the way. The heist itself is clever, it's smart, it's brilliantly thought out by the characters and more importantly the writers of the movie.My two only gripes are rather minor; the ending and Basher's accent. I'm not even British but the cockney accent that Don Cheadele puts on can't possibly fool anyone; it's just so unnecessary and whoever suggested he use one should be fired. Also, I don't want to spoil the ending but I feel it could have gone just a little further. It's still great, it's just that it could have been perhaps more satisfying. Still, that's why there are sequels.Ocean's Eleven is just such a clever and yet heist film. I highly recommend it to anyone who loves a thriller or is just looking for a quick way to kill two hours. You won't regret it.
klheintz Ocean's Eleven follows the story of Danny Ocean putting together the biggest heist Vegas has ever seen. He enlists the help of a few close friends to help him put together an impossible team for an impossible job, and it's fun the whole way through. If you don't pay attention to some glaring plot holes.I enjoy this film, I really do. Even with the blatant plot holes, unbelievable means by which they pull of the heist, and the back-and- forth character motivations it is by no means a perfect film. But is a fun ride the whole way through and I am glad that I watched it. Ocean's Eleven wastes no time getting right into the heist, and the sequence of scenes depicting the gang being brought together is fun to watch and does a decent job of setting up some of their individual backstory. But these backstories, while serving the purpose of the film, do not give audiences much that seems very exciting except for maybe Tarr's bank heist. Steven Soderbergh utilizes more than just quick and witty dialogue to advance the plot but also takes advantage of silent storytelling with some scenes containing no dialogue whatsoever. He does this throughout not only this sequence, but various other scenes in the film as well. It's a nice upbeat way to advance the plot and break up major parts of the film.I have yet to talk about cast and this is one of my favorite aspects of this film. I have always been a fan of both Clooney and Pitt, so seeing them on screen interacting with each other is very cool. Sure, Brad Pitt's character, Rusty, kind of feels like a mat for Ocean's dialogue to bounce of, but it was enjoyable throughout. Most of the other characters don't have scenes that really stick out as fun dialogue or even good interaction except Andy Garcia as Terry Benedict.Something the film does terribly is the motivation and choices some of these characters make. Oh and the plot holes with the hooker ads somehow getting into the vault out of nowhere. Like what is that!? But back to these motivations/decisions. In what world does it make sense for Tess, who left Ocean because he was a liar, to go back to Ocean? That makes absolutely no sense to me. The better option, the option that should have happened, was for her to realize she's nothing but a trophy to them and leave. Ridiculous… like the hooker ads somehow showing up inside the vault. Overall, I believe this is a solid heist film. Yes, it has a few plot holes but, the character decisions will make you confused, and it has some weird accents but I think it is an enjoyable ride throughout and definitely one I would recommend to someone for some light viewing.