Parts Per Billion
Parts Per Billion
R | 20 May 2014 (USA)
Parts Per Billion Trailers

The interwoven stories of three couples which are forced to make life-altering decisions in the face of a disastrous war. Inspired and sometimes blinded by their love, Len, Mia, Andy, Esther, Anna and Erik are as flawed and beautiful as any of the billions who are facing this human-made biological disaster.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
lamby-40475 Essentially, there is a virus that is gonna kill everyone. there are several couples in the film, and they tell each other how much they love each other, over and over again, for one and a half hours. I kept thinking something was going to happen. The lines are pretty poor, they attempt to sound really deep and meaningful, but in reality, if you have seen a film about couples in love, you will have heard all the same garbage before. It includes lines such as, I love you, I have never met anyone like you, I'm so lucky to have you, I never want to lose you. Yep, all classic lines that even someone who has just started learning English as a second language, could muster in an attempt to perform a Nigerian 419 Scam.
beatzx JohnLeeT already said everything in his funny and poignant review of the movie. This one is just in case you didn't get into a laughing fit when reading it; after all the humor isn't that clear if you haven't watched the movie yet. The only thing that did bother me a bit when watching the movie was that the cinematography was rather ordinary and it wouldn't have hurt to let the nine-year-old suffer through another ten to twenty minutes of character development. So the movie may not accompany me throughout my life, but it contained/was a compilation of the most believable and intimate interactions between loving people on screen that I've seen in a long time. Not only do I not mind the fact that no "actual event" is shown, but I consider that the only viable way of depiction of this kind of event. The eradication of a majority of humanity would not be a spectacle to be gazed at, mesmerizing.Anyways, have fun watching this fine movie!
mspace52 Watched this on Netflix, and it became so tedious I started to fast-forward through the prolonged, meaningless rounds of chatter. The ending was so incomplete you might think that they all just decided to call it quits and walked off the set.It was an interesting premise, the status of relationships against the backdrop of a global health crisis. However, the crisis itself wasn't developed in a believable manner. Dude is playing basketball blissfully unaware that an airborne chemical weapon is drifting to the US, after having left hundreds of millions dead in the Middle East and Europe. (Really, that didn't turn up in his news-feed?) And there was little reflection within the relationship, in regard to these terrifying events, as most of what you are subjected to is the events in their lives prior to the release of the toxin.
softermaniac This movie is not sci-fi and it's not an end of the world disaster movie as the title seems to suggest. I think its abysmal rating is because people are going into it thinking it's a certain kind of end of the world, doom and destruction movie and then they find out it's not that at all. Not by a long shot. This is a romance/drama film that tries its darnedest to be deep. This is one of those interconnected drama movies along the veins of: Crash, Magnolia, The Air I Breathe and Happiness. So if you're into that sort of style, plotting and character driven storytelling you'll almost definitely like this. If not, you'll most likely find it tedious, boring and depressing.