Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
PG | 10 October 2014 (USA)
Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day Trailers

Alexander's day begins with gum stuck in his hair, followed by more calamities. Though he finds little sympathy from his family and begins to wonder if bad things only happen to him, his mom, dad, brother, and sister all find themselves living through their own terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
vincentlynch-moonoi It's nice to see a family comedy that does great at the box office! It's not so nice to see such a low rating here on IMDb. I think that this film successfully treads a fine line between portraying the vicissitudes of life and a bit of humor. Yes, you could look at things superficially and just see funny/disastrous things happening to a family. Or, you can look just a little deeper and see how everyday life can weigh our spirits down...if we let them...and sometimes it's hard not to.Ed Oxenbould, as the principal child in the cast (age 12) does nicely, although I can't see him becoming a very successful child star; he's struggling with entering puberty and feeling ignored by his family. Steve Carell handles the role of the father with aplomb; the father is out of work and trying to land a software job. Jennifer Garner, as the mother, also handles things well; she is having her own challenges on the work front. Dylan Minnette is appropriately cool as the older brother; he's having issues with his girlfriend. Kerris Dorsey is clearly talented as the older sister; she may or may not be the next Peter Pan in her school play. Each member of the family is struggling coping with everyday life.In terms of supporting cast, it's worth mentioning Megan Mullally playing her usual -itchy attitude as the mother's boss. It's also nice to see Dick VanDyke in a cameo role.The big mystery here to me is Donald Glover as the lead of a software company where the father is attempting to land a job. I have yet to figure out who Donald Glover a person. And from what I read, he hasn't figured himself out either. There seems to me to be no pattern to his career; unfortunately, it seems as if his career is based on his "cuteness"...despite the fact that he is clearly extremely talented. It'll be interesting to see where he ultimately lands.The problem is this film is that -- despite what we may wish -- everyone can't always find a happy ending...particularly at virtually the same time. There's one good lesson for kids here -- to some extent what we make of a day (or life) is up to us. But there's a bad lesson here, too -- despite the film, life doesn't always have happy endings.It's entertaining, it's fun, and it can be thought provoking if you get beyond looking at it superficially.
backflipboy I went into watching this movie at home after a long day at work and someone annoying me in a text message so I was looking for something to distract me. This was the perfect movie for this.Is there a story in this movie? Well, yes there is but it isn't the story that the title refers to. It's a different take.Were there any breakout belly laughs in this movie? Not really. There were a few chuckles and giggles here and there, but I am not exactly the target demographic. If you are anywhere between the ages of 8 - 12, you will really find this movie funny.This is the kind of movie you would watch if you have had a bad day and you don't want to think too hard. The talents of Steve Carell and Jennifer Garner are probably wasted but they probably enjoyed the work.This is Disney living up to its reputation as a family friendly company but saying that, it really isn't a horrible movie.
FlashCallahan The day before Alexander's birthday, things don't go his way. His family always seem to have things go their way and since they don't believe in bad days, he receives no support from them. At 12:01 on his birthday, he wishes for his family to feel and know what a bad day is like......After watching this movie, it feels like one of the traditional Disney movies of the seventies, like Freaky Friday, and the body swap 'comedies' of the eighties, and the film it's 'homaging' the most, Liar Liar.And it's as predictable as it sounds. As soon as the family get up late, everything starts to go wrong for them, just as Alexander wished for.So hilarity almost ensues when the sister gets a sore throat, the brother gets a zit, mums book reading gets a little rude, and dad sets his arms on fire.It's never offensive, and it's as safe as a padded room. Carrel is always watchable, as is Garner, but it's hard to believe that she has a sixteen year old boy (even though it's feasible in real life), so it's a strange casting choice.It's never going to be a Disney classic, it's on of those films that will crop up on a Sunday afternoon, and raise a few smiles.Perfectly average.
Akshay Hegde The only other film I have seen with such a weirdly long name is the Kubrik's Dr. Strangelove. While Dr. Strangelove was a memorable classic, this one is totally forgettable. Its not a very bad film, it has its funny entertaining moments. But it totally suffers with weak characters, bland predictable story and so-so acting which is common with the Comedy genre in Hollywood nowadays. Alexander, a 12 year old boy always seems to have his luck bad and bad days never leave him. While, everyone around him seems to be having a perfect life. On his birthday, he wishes that his family also gets to experience how horrible a day can be. We all know, how the movie is going to end , the only thing we want to see what kind of laugh it offers. Frankly, the humor was more of silly than funny. Lot of juvenile humor, yet there is also quite a bit of crude humor which I suggest is not for kids. The characters are quite shallow plus annoyingly clichéd and stupid. Even Steve Carell could not uplift the terrible script. I saw this film on an extremely boring afternoon, so maybe that's why I had a few laughs. Apart from that, this just an average, mediocre,not special, very bland film.RATING: [2/5]