Lottery Ticket
Lottery Ticket
PG-13 | 20 August 2010 (USA)
Lottery Ticket Trailers

Kevin Carson is a young man living in the projects who has to survive a three-day weekend after his opportunistic neighbors find out he's holding a winning lottery ticket worth $370 million

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Verity Robins Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
Paul Magne Haakonsen While "Lottery Ticket" is a comedy movie, it wasn't all that funny. Don't get me wrong here, because the movie is still entertaining enough for what it turned out to be, but it just wasn't all that funny, and it lacked certain elements that would make it stand out from numerous other comedies in the genre.The story in "Lottery Ticket" is about young Kevin who lives with his grandmother in a project housing. When he happens to win 370 million dollars in a lottery, things are about to change. And not everything changes for the better.There were some good enough aspects to the movie, such as what happens to a person when winning a ridiculous amount such as 370 million dollars, and what happens to the people and everything and everyone in the nearby vicinity when finding out about such a winning. But it was just all hindered by the predictability of the movie."Lottery Ticket" is a very predictable movie. You know what will happen a long time before it does happen on the screen, and that predictability was a cumbersome anchor around the movie, slowing it down.The acting in the movie was quite alright, and they had some good names to the cast list; which included Loretta Devine, Terry Crews, Keith David. I will also says that both Shad Moss and Brandon T. Jackson were actually doing quite alright in carrying the movie.If you enjoy comedies, then there are far better and more amusing choices available in the comedy genre. "Lottery Ticket" is the type of movie that you will most likely watch once, then never return to it again, as it just doesn't have contents to support multiple viewings.My rating of "Lottery Ticket" is a slightly less than mediocre four out of ten stars.
tensorbundle Guys no offense - but the movie is a 'black' out because there are a few white people that appear in the movie - perhaps two or three of them. It was deliberate to only allow blacks to cast in this movie. And their acting was horrible.Terrible plot with garbage acting- this movie will bring infinite boredom and anger as well. Do not waste your time and money on this garbage. The actors were pathetic. Certainly this movie is targeted for the black audience and conveys racist signals. This movie in three words: piece of trash. Save your free time for something better.
jDriftyx82 In 1995 Shad '(Lil)Bow Wow' Moss had an uncredited roll in Snoop Dogg's Murder Was the Case: The Movie straight-to-video short film. Since then Bow Wow has been in movies such as Like Mike (2002), Roll Bounce (2005), and Fast & Furious: Tokyo Drift (2006).Bow Wow has never really established himself as an actor like some other rappers (ex. Will Smith), which is not to say he never will, but in this particular movie, he doesn't offer anything different than he does in his other movies. But in this movie he's good, he is exactly what his character needs to be.Brandon T. Jackson (Tropic Thunder) is good, he has some funny lines.But this movie isn't a Friday rip-off or anything like that. It's more about the choices Bow Wow makes after he realizes he wins the lottery. And the choices he makes are pretty interesting.I recommend this movie for someone who doesn't mind turning off his brain and just watching a movie.
Floated2 The film contains very few humour and many stereotypical situations but the lead characters played by Bow Wow, Brandon T. Jackson, and Naturi Naughton were likable enough to prevent this film from being a disaster. Though its very clichéd and typical. You have the lead protagonist Kevin (Bow Wow) whose the straight man and does the right thing, the joker but likable wisecracking best friend (Brandon T. Jackson), and the female friend whom happens to like the lead (Naturi Naughton). The film isn't that bad but its just predictable. It has its funny and good moments, which are mostly in the beginning and some of the chase scenes towards the end but not enough. The film starts off pretty interesting but seems to drag in its second half. Even though Kevin was likable the writers didn't make him very smart. In the film he wins the lottery ticket leaving in the hood yet he keeps in the ticket with him in his wallet pocket while knowing that people are after him (specifically an ex-con Lorenzo). There's one questionable scene at the end involving a public fight with Kevin and Lorenzo, its being viewed by most of the hood yet everyone is just there watching Lorenzo knock Kevin down a few times and no one breaks up the fight, until eventually. The film isn't all that bad as the rating shows (its currently at 2.5), and the end shows a good message and pretty good ending to the movie (even if it is slightly predictable).