The Inbetweeners Movie
The Inbetweeners Movie
R | 20 August 2011 (USA)
The Inbetweeners Movie Trailers

High school graduation just wouldn’t be complete without an un-chaperoned, uninhibited and unforgettable final holiday. At least that’s what Will, Jay, Simon and Neil think when they book a two-week stay on an exotic Greek island. As their dreams of sun-drenched days and booze-filled nights are left hopelessly unfulfilled, the lads fight their way into the party scene with hilariously humiliating results in this smash hit UK raunchy comedy.

Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Rickting The Inbetweeners was a sitcom that wasn't only incredibly funny, but felt so real and so honest. Every British student either knew a Will, Jay, Neil or Simon or- more painfully- were similar to them themselves so it may be a gut-burstingly hysterical comedy, but it's also an effective, entirely believable tragicomic drama. Like many TV show movies, this has the boys go on holiday together and chaos soon ensues. Overall this was disappointing and is probably the worst episode/movie of the entire Inbetweeners series. Simon is being a complete moron and the show works far better in a mundane British setting. This just feels formulaic, reliant on crude jokes and overly Americanized. It's not actually a very funny movie. It's got its moments but it's never truly memorable. As a story, it would have ended the entire series very well. It's great to see the 4 boys with girlfriends at last and the conclusion of the film is undeniably very satisfying. Overall, this is a well-done, often touching narrative with plenty of surprisingly sweet moments, but as a comedy it isn't very funny. 6/10
sim0n I enjoyed a few of the episodes from the series, but this film was horrendously bad. The best bit was the opening few minutes with Greg Davies, but then he wasn't in it again until the closing credits. I think I laughed twice. Oh, IMDb won't let me post this unless there are 10 lines of text "Your review does not contain enough lines - the minimum length for reviews is 10 lines of text" - that's funnier that the film! Your review does not contain enough lines - the minimum length for reviews is 10 lines of text... Your review does not contain enough lines - the minimum length for reviews is 10 lines of text... There.
laserspewpewpew If you want to watch a movie where you won't be challenged too much and just want to have a good laugh at some British humour then The Inbetweeners foray onto the big screen could be right up your street.Fans of the TV series will know what to expect and if you loved the TV show then you will like this. It goes along the same lines and each character is true to there TV self. The acting isn't amazing and there are a few gross out gags but by in large it's quite a fun watch and I found myself laughing at most of it. It won't be the funniest or wittiest comedy you have ever seen but as a piece of entertainment it's worth a watch.
lukehere99 I am British and enjoyed the Inbetweeners TV series when it was first on and then they made a movie..... But seriously this was terrible i usually let people have there own personal opinions like one of my best friends hates Scott Pilgrim VS The World and i love it, but I do let him have his own personal opinion. But sometimes I have to draw the line. The only proper JOKES in this movie are by one of my favourite comedians Greg Davies and he isn't even in it for more than 5 minutes. The most annoying thing is that all of my friends in 2012 thought it was the greatest movie ever made! I didn't say anything but it was pretty obvious that they wouldn't recognise a good comedy if it came up behind them and shouted ya mums d*** is bigger than mine, no seriously they think that the Inbetweeners are funnier than Monty Python. 2/10