The Babymakers
The Babymakers
R | 03 August 2012 (USA)
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After he flunks a fertility test, a man realizes that the only way he can get his wife pregnant is by robbing a sperm bank to take back the last of the deposits he made there years earlier.

HeadlinesExotic Boring
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Jenna Walter The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
kosmasp But also some not so funny moments. While it does have some genuine things in the script, it also goes completely crazy in other places. It's almost a shame, but let's focus on the good things. The chemistry between the wife and the husband is good, which is something that is needed, especially later on in the movie.There are quite a few clichés thrown into the mix and the ending is just crazy (not in a good way). On the other hand, we have a few scenes, that are not as funny as the filmmaker thought they would be. Still a nice little comedy that might work as movie for couples (even if they have the same "problem").
Yvette Hernandez Next time I'll look at the box office numbers on IMDb before renting a movie. I don't like spoilers so I usually avoid reviews but the numbers should give a clue to whether a movie is a gem or a dud. This is yet another stupid movie about stupid people doing stupid things. There were a few chuckles here and there but nothing really funny. About 40 minutes in, I started fast forwarding to skip the cheesy setups and even cheesier outcomes. **** SPOILER ALERT **** Redundant penis jokes, redundant naked pics, and redundant self pleasuring attempts all with ludicrous setups or malfunctions in an attempt to be funny. The whole gay couple unwilling to use a different specimen, the Indian mafia guy, and everything beyond the 20 minute mark was extremely stupid. Major FAIL - save your time and money if you don't enjoy seeing people doing dumb things on camera.
Paul Magne Haakonsen "The Babymakers" is a comedy with an odd story, but it is not really the type of comedy that will have you burst out laughing hard. That being said, then I am not saying that the movie is bad, far from it. It is the type of comedy that makes you feel good, and does manage to make you smile from time to time, just don't expect to be laughing so hard that tears will run down your cheeks.The story is about married couple Audrey (played by Olivia Munn) and Tommy (played by Paul Schneider), who is trying to get pregnant, but after nine months of trying, there still is no baby. But in his younger days, Tommy, donated sperm every week for twenty weeks. And now being told that his sperm count is low, Tommy decides to do whatever it takes to get his good sperm back and make his wife pregnant. Together with his two friends Zig-Zag (played by Nat Faxon), Wade (played by Kevin Heffernan) and hired professional Ron Jon (played by Jay Chandrasekhar), the guys come up with a plan to break into the sperm bank.I wasn't really laughing a lot throughout the movie, though the storyline was great and there was some nice dialogue and good moments. In fact, I was only really laughing twice. The first time was when Tommy was in the clinic and accidentally turned up the volume on the video. The second laugh was at the scene where Wade had to grab the sperm container on the top shelf. Sure it was very predictable what would happen, but it was just hilarious to watch that scene, being oh-so slapstick comedy in itself.They had really put together a good group of actors and actresses for the movie, and people really played their characters quite well. Personally, I thought that Jay Chandrasekhar did the most impressive job in this movie."The Babymakers" had a very unique storyline, and that made the movie stand out, despite it not really being all that funny. Still, if you like comedies, and haven't seen "The Babymakers" yet, it is well worth watching. However, I don't see this movie as the type of movie that you will pick up again at a later time for a second watching.
Christopher Smith Director Jay Chandrasekhar is responsible for some of the funniest movies of the past ten years with Super Troopers, Club Dread, and Beerfest all becoming well deserved cult favorites. However, none of those pictures ever received overwhelmingly positive reviews from critics and his latest is no exception. With a title like The Babymakers, there is no way that this film is going to ever be considered anything approaching high art. Still, the horrendous reviews and low ratings that this movie has received is, in my opinion, not exactly fair. While the story may be thin and not every joke works perfectly, The Babymakers mostly succeeds in doing what it sets out to do in providing low-brow laughs. Chandrasekhar knows how to stage raunchy gags and does it well without any scenes becoming completely over-the-top or too cartoonish. There is a version of this flick that could have been of sitcom quality yet Chandrasekhar is able to keep things semi-grounded in reality which helps sell the overall premise. Also helping is that leads Paul Schneider and Olivia Munn have nice chemistry together and seem to know exactly the type of film they are making. I know Munn gets a lot of criticism from internet critics, but she gives a solid performance here that may silence some of those critics. Screenwriters Peter Gaulke (co-writer of Strange Wilderness, one of the funniest dumber-than-dumb comedies ever) and Gerry Swallow's script is better than expected even if it isn't the deepest piece of cinema ever written. The script's strongest asset is that it tackles the issue of infertility without treating the lead character as a joke or a punchline. Other characters may make jokes at his expense, but the audience is never made to feel like it should be laughing at the character. Even so, the character of Tommy is never developed to the point he probably should be. For example, little is said about what Tommy does for a living, something that should have been emphasized given the fact that the need for money plays a large part in the story. Had the characters been developed slightly more, this could have been one of the better comedies to come out in years. It's the fact that the movie is so funny that it's easy to forgive the fact that the story and characters aren't exactly 100% there. As it is, it's certainly worth a watch and funnier than most R-rated comedies that have come out in the past few years even if it isn't on par with Chandrasekhar's Super Troopers or Club Dread. 7/10