A Long Way Down
A Long Way Down
R | 11 July 2014 (USA)
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Four lost souls—a disgraced TV presenter, a foul-mouthed teen, an isolated single mother, and a solipsistic muso—decide to end their lives on the same night, New Year's Eve. When this disillusioned quartet of strangers meet unintentionally at the same suicide hotspot, a London high-rise with the well-earned nickname Topper's Tower, they mutually agree to call off their plans for six weeks, forming an unconventional, dysfunctional family. They become media sensations as the Topper House Four and search together for the reasons to keep on living.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Jenna Walter The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
ivafellermayer I have just seen the movie. The story is amazing. So are the story tellers. The best character, in my opinion, was Jess who was played by Imogen Poots. She is charming, outgoing and honest.I have seen one other film in which she played,the films name was That awkward moment and she was also a lead character. When I decided to watch this movie I thought it was about Christmas and holidays but it turned out to be something even better. It was bout life in general. That's all i have to say about this movie. I didn't say anything to spoil the movie. I highly recommend this movie for everyone to watch. You will not regret it. Iva Fellermayer!
SnoopyStyle It's New Year's Eve in London. Martin Sharp (Pierce Brosnan) was a successful TV morning host until an affair with an underage girl and prison time. He goes up to the roof of the Toppers Building to kill himself. He is interrupted by Maureen Thompson (Toni Collette) who waits for her turn. She has the sole caregiver of a disabled son. They are struggling and unstable heart-broken Jess Crichton (Imogen Poots) comes running to jump. Then pizza delivery boy J.J. Maguire (Aaron Paul) appear claiming to be dying from brain cancer. It starts raining and Martin drives the quartet home. Jess comes up with the idea not to kill themselves before the coming Valentine's Day.The opening is so manufactured that it takes awhile to work it off. The audience has to surrender to its premise. It needs to be more of a truly dark comedy. Imogen Poots takes full advantage with her performance. She really gets to stretch out. Brosnan is fine. Collette is reserved. Aaron Paul needs to be weirder. In a group of dysfunction, he functions too well. It's not until the end that he lets go. Then there is the jarring tone changes. Just as it gets comfortable with a direction, it takes a sharp turn. I don't know much about the Nick Hornby novel but maybe it works better on the page.
kentoi although the movie isn't all that maximum in realistic aspects of storytelling, it is a very enjoyable movie and i honestly think that the rating it has received is a bit on the low side.the acting is good, the story is unusual which makes it a original movie by itself and it has characters to which you can relate to.If i may be very honest: I was thinking about suicide as well, sometimes whenever i was on a tall building looking down i soon wondered what it would be like if i just "fell down" this film however showed me that whatever the reason to depression is it can be solved and after watching this film i haven't had any suicidal thoughts.Give this film a chance, it might sound really grim and it is a bit of a shocking subject but it is really good and it deserves the attention.Pim
NickSkouras great film! so good to see pierce brosnan doing this kind of workalong w other films he's recently done. well done.wow. human beings huh? life. etc. love. the lives of strangers in our own towns. apartment buildings. humanity.if we'd only have a bit more compassion each week. a small thing here or there for another. turn off the spirit crushing TV programming and watch some good films like this one. might do the trick. if only for a moment.better than nothing.