Dr. T & the Women
Dr. T & the Women
R | 13 September 2000 (USA)
Dr. T & the Women Trailers

A successful Texas gynecologist finds himself amid a bevy of women and their problems – his wife’s breakdown, his daughter's fake marriage, his other daughter’s conspiracy theories, and his secretary’s crush. Craving time for himself, he finds solace in a kind outsider.

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Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
runamokprods I'm out of sync with the world on some of the later Altman films. While I liked 'Cookie's Fortune' less than most folks, I liked this more. I found it funny, sweet, and it contains one of Richard Gere's very best performances. The much maligned last 20 minutes are indeed a mixed bag. However, personally I liked the symbolic, surreal conclusion, even if some of the plot twists leading up to it felt clunky, and didn't make a lot of sense.The bottom line is, this is certainly more original and thought-provoking than most modern movies. And that's enough to win a lot of brownie points from me
garmstrong56-126-484476 Dr. T and the Women was boring, trite, shallow and full of cliché. To me Altman is, like Martin Scorcese, a highly over rated director. I did not see any depth to the movie at all and it was so predictable. The acting sucked, especially from Laura Dern, who is never good. The situations were ridiculous. For example, like my wife said, no woman goes to see her gynecologist that often. Just because Dee and Marilyn became liberated lesbians and because Bree dumped Dr T in the end does not make the original or deep in anyway. And trying to fill the story with mostly women added no depth either. In fact there was not a single relationship (male/female, male/male, female/female) that had any depth to it. You need to shelve this movie Mr. Altman and really try to make a movie that has some depth. I will take a Kurosawa, Chaplin, Eastwood, or even Spielberg movie over any of yours.
inspectors71 If you've never seen a Robert Altman film except Dr. T and the Women, you may wonder why there was so much press about his passing a week or two ago. Altman was considered a superbly talented and artistic film maker, but you would never know it from watching the dreadful Dr. T.Another reviewer on this site said not to expect "Pretty Woman," an immensely popular Garry Marshall flick with Richard Gere. The reviewer is right. While Pretty Woman was a repulsive story of gold-hearted whores, making a gajillion bucks from Gere-loving women looking for sweet, gold-plated romance, DTATW is an unfunny, unromantic, tedious story of pampered UMC types, circling around Gere, a befuddled and oh-so-handsome gynecologist who has a psychotic wife, two bordering-on-bizarre daughters, and a budding relationship with Helen Hunt, the only woman in Dallas who isn't a neurotic and hopelessly dependent hausfrau or wannabe.Other than the feeble attempt at providing some prurient pleasure for the boys with Farrah Fawcett and Helen Hunt naked (at different times) in the background, only a hopeless metrosexual could sit through this. For the ladies, Gere looks godlike, as usual, and Robert Hays has lost his geekiness from the Airplane movies and has settled into a nice, handsome middle age.But a glimpse of skin here and Gere looking exasperated there does not a pleasant time make. There's no point to Dr. T., no center, and unless you enjoy watching Gere fall for and be manipulated by Hunt (not a bad thing if she were on the up-and-up), I can't think of anything less enjoyable than watching Altman's disastrous "women's movie." Except for putting your feet in those stirrups (I have been told).
Lee Eisenberg With "Nashville" and "The Player", Robert Altman did exposes of Nashville and Hollywood, respectively. With "Dr T and the Women", he does an expose of Dallas. Richard Gere plays gynecologist Sullivan Travis, always surrounded by women. But this plethora of females may be about to change his life beyond anyone's wildest imagination.The first scene of Farrah Fawcett is really likely to blow your mind, and the scene in Dealey Plaza does make one think about just what did happen on November 22, 1963. But overall, we get a pretty scathing look at Dallas (which I've heard is deserved). Fawcett, Helen Hunt, Shelley Long, Kate Hudson, Tara Reid, Liv Tyler, and Lee Grant all play what may be the most interesting collection of women that I've ever seen in a movie. Certainly this is one of Richard Gere's most interesting roles ever. I think that the end implies that he died and went to heaven.And since it's an Altman movie, it means that everyone's talking at once.