Father Hood
Father Hood
PG-13 | 27 August 1993 (USA)
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Deadbeat dad kidnaps his kids from the bus to an abusive foster home and they go on a run. The cops are after them, they bicker constantly and his idea of a way out is grim, yet this dangerous ride might just turn them into a family.

Softwing Most undeservingly overhyped movie of all time??
Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Allissa .Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
richspenc Patrick Swayse has always been good at playing a tough guy, such as his other movies such as "Roadhouse". He does a good job as the tough guy here too, actually as an outlaw who's about to do a big illegal deal in New Orleans in a few days. But, as he is still in L.A., he is already facing court on other charges of his already pending. So the last thing he needs is his bratty kids suddenly bothering him now. But that is just what they do, and they are bratty. Swayse thinks that they've been in foster care, but in reality, they've been in an institution that the kids claim is very tough and corrupt. That the staff there are being physically abusive to the kids and handcuffing them. However, Swayze starts to see that the kids are really telling the truth on this one, so he kidnaps them and takes them cross country with him to New Orleans. Now for the kids though, they are bratty. The seven year old boy is whiney and annoying, and the fourteen year old daughter has an attitude problem and is bitchy. Her attitude makes her not very likable. Now for the story. The set up in the first part of film was good but the road story has some very implausible moments. Moments that anyone with half a brain would never believe the situations they're watching, and the kids really get annoying fast. Numerous implausible moments include Swayze making a car run over the edge at Hover Dam and no one seeing him do it. Swayze and the kids outrunning the police in several different scenes where in real life, they would've never been able to do it that way, especially the scene where they manage to jump from a speeding boat with helicopters overhead and no one seeing them do it. But my favorite implausibility is when they jump on to the back of a boat attached to a moving car, talk and yell loudly, and even cook a turkey dinner on the back of the boat without the driver ever knowing it. Yeh, right. They even at one point, after stopping at a gas station, where Swayze goes to use the phone, Swayze has another car drive up to the back of the boat (cause the driver left without him), and Swayze jumps from the front of that car onto the boat, with them all yelling, and the driver of the car hauling the boat still doesn't notice any if it! I mean come on, how can anyone believe that the driver would be that deaf and dumb. The owner of the boat finally notices them when he's luring the boat into a river and Swayze and the kids start up the boat and drive away in it. I did however, sort of like the little rendezvous between Swayze and the TV reporter Hally Berry, who also already had some ideas about the institution being corrupt and needed Swayze, who could've gotten information from the kids about the place, to fill her in with more info about it. Swayze, who was still more interested in his deal in New Orleans, kept giving Berry the runaround. This was a sort of good film in some ways, if it wasn't for those implausibilities and those bratty kids.
mrs-renee-jones his movie was great. I was 9 years old when this movie first came out. I can't tell you how many times I watched it. I have always loved it (and not just because Patrick Swayze is in it). I love the plot and it is typical 90's style. To judge this movie by modern standards would be horrible. It's sweet. It really makes you think too (I can say that having worked for under aged victims of the state before). In all, the movie is great, and I mean for all ages. Take it for what it is and not what you want it to be. I think it would be a great idea for a remake, but keeping to the original theme and plot as close as possible.
monkey-man This movie was OK with some flaws the movies about how a man is on the run from the police with his kids who have escaped from a foster home.This movie was better then i thought it would be but it still was a little bit crap and the film stars actors and actresses like Patrick Swayze,Halle Berry,Sabrina Lloyd,Michael Ironside and Brian Bonsall.The movie has an OK plot but at times it got a little bit stupid and Patrick Swayze and Halle berry both done a good job at acting in this movie and if u liked Halle berry in this movie u should see her in the movies monsters ball and x-men 2.Over all this film was OK and my rating is 5 and a half out of 10.
Bob-45 "Father Hood" is an overlooked little gem of a "road movie". Fine performances by Halle Berry, Sabina Lloyd and Brian Bonsall, two really fun "over-the-top" ones by Diane Ladd and Michael Ironside,and a downright outstanding one from Patrick Swayze. The movie is helped by an unconventional storyline, but badly undercut by it's flashback framing which results in a formulamatic, abrupt ending. "Father Hood" would have worked MUCH better without these "bookends". Nevertheless, the movie brings up important issues of "family responsibilities" and the consequences of state intervention. As long as the foster system rewards state institutions for NOT placing children, such abuses will exist.Pick this one up. It's worth the "ride."
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