R | 10 August 2012 (USA)
Goats Trailers

Having a self-absorbed New Age mother and an estranged father has meant 15-year-old Ellis Whitman has grown up relying on an unconventional guardian: a goat-trekking, marijuana-growing sage called 'Goat Man'. When Ellis decides to leave the alternative ways of his desert homestead for a stuffy East Coast prep school, major changes are in store.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
GazerRise Fantastic!
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
canaryalive I would like to start with that - after watching this movie i wished i were the one living in the farm with Goat man as my father :D. Although this movie does not introduce deep philosophical problems - it is about life and leaves you with cosmic feeling that life is good. It revolves around ordinary story of really fictional fifteen year old boy(believe me boys at that age are rarely so mature ;) ) but the characters around him are the one that matters. David Duchovny is one of the few really genuine actors, who can portray weird but true and honest characters in their nature, so well. He is witty and his subtle intelligence is so appealing and his character Goat Man has so many layers. He starts as a mysterious and flawless guardian who is always there and just gives you advices and leads you on a journey without judging you. But later in the movie we see him as a real man with weaknesses and desires. In the end he proves to be the real father and the best the boy could have. The film shows that even though the boy was raised in this unconventional atmosphere with two unconventional parents who loved him so much, he couldn't escape from his biological nature and pursuing what his biological father had thus pulling him apart from his real family. I really liked the open ending leaving us with feeling that life goes on and anything can happen.
seanshafer GOATS was the last film I saw at Sundance this year. What a great way to end my stay. Cinema needs the occasional breath of fresh air and Director Chris Neil may be it. Goats is a near perfect coming of age story. Based on the novel by Mark Poirier. Chris Neil captured the spirit of the book while adding a little magic of his own. He creates a tone, a mood that sucks you in and keeps you there. David Duchovny fits perfect in the skin of Goat man. Graham Phillips did a wonderful job playing Ellis. I imagine we'll see more of him soon. Vera Farmiga has a funny bone in her... who knew? I wish there were more movies out there like this. Unlike the big Hollywood block busters that leave you feeling empty and 12 bucks poorer, this film puts a smile on your face reminds you why we go to the movies. A rare gem.
nepotfilms-1 all the performances in this film were top notch. i feel that the actors truly benefited from having a director that was sympathetic to their craft. they all took risks that payed off, but sadly seem to be under rated or under appreciated. can't figure that out. i watched this film because of David Duchovny, but what surprised me was that the rest of the cast all came together to make this film work. David is a pot smoking, goat bleating, impulse driven, goat herder, and an absolute blast to hang out with. i wish he lived in my pool house when i was growing up. this film is thoughtful and well crafted. music was rad as well. the desert was beautifully photographed, and an excellent backdrop to play against the sterile east coast.it's simple. go see this film. you won't be disappointed.
peck-10 I had the pleasure of seeing GOATS last week at The Loft Cinema in Tucson, AZ and enjoyed every minute. The story was subtle and touching and really gave an honest depiction of a young man's path to maturity amidst such family instability and often hilarious strife. The script was masterfully crafted and was a perfect balance of laugh out loud moments and heartfelt drama. Loved the performances by all, especially the genuine depiction of the lead character Ellis played by Graham Phillips from 'The Good Wife'. David Duchovny, Vera Farmiga, Ty Burrell, and Justin Kirk were all spot-on and hilarious throughout...the character of Goat Man is an instant cinema classic! The film was gorgeously shot and authentically highlights the Sonoran desert, which was an interesting cinematic contrast to the east coast prep school that Ellis attends. With an enthusiastic applause at the conclusion it was clear the film was very well received and almost the entire audience stuck around for the great Q&A session that followed. I hope it will be in theaters soon so all can see this fantastic film by first time director Chris Neil, which I think is destined to be a cult classic. A MUST SEE!!