If I Were You
If I Were You
R | 15 March 2013 (USA)
If I Were You Trailers

When a woman tries to outwit her husband's sexy young mistress, the unexpected consequences include starring as King Lear in a very amateur production - with the mistress, an aspiring actress, playing The Fool.

Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
ShangLuda Admirable film.
bobcolganrac Lovely film ! Wonderful comedy ! Clearly written/directed by a woman who understands feminine angst. This review is short. I am only writing it to express my appreciation for the film and its wonderful acting by Harden and company.Marcia Gay Harden's Madelyn is worth the price of admission itself against which Leonora Watling's Lucy holds her own. It is basically a two women play.....and does recall many of the earlier Broadway-inspired Hollywood productions which involve emotionally unwieldy triads. But is it hackneyed?--not at all. It's human drama which at its base never loses freshness nor its inherent humor and pathos.I enjoyed it. My wife enjoyed it. You'll probably enjoy it as well.
robynartist Loved it! I just stumbled upon this movie on new releases on Netflix and was watching it while working in my studio. It is funny without being cute, poignant at times without being maudlin and downright fun. I love the premise of the movie, the likes of which I've not experienced elsewhere - and heaven knows it's rare to find a new plot!Although Marcia Gay Harden steals the show, I think the other actors effectively support her lead. I don't often watch any film more than once, but I would watch this again with someone who's seeing it for the first time, for sure. The last romantic comedy that fit this category for me is Love Actually, which is one of the few movies I own and enjoy watching periodically.
Pidgey1 What you might expect from a movie about two women, one who is lovely, older, wiser, and not as firm, the other lovely, young and not very bright, except for when it comes to manipulation and adoration of the physical and the moment, would not be what you get in If I Were You . It's a movie that does not underestimate the buddy aspect of a romp, and it turns that inside out by using traditional methods, straight (wo)man, loose limbed physical comedy, and adds a dose of heartbreak not only in the realm of love, but in all relationships including friendship and parent child. It's an exceptional vehicle for Harden and one she readily deserves as she is overlooked and underused in so many ways.
sandranord This is one of the best comedies I have seen in years - I go to the movies a lot! The writing is smart, philosophical, quick witted. The plot comes up with surprise after surprise. You cannot predict the next move at all. The film is laugh-out-loud funny. The audience will put themselves in the shoes of these wonderfully rich characters and go through a fun emotional journey. Zany but plausible! The acting is stellar. I've always been a big fan of Marcia Gay Harden so I am thrilled to see her in a film of this caliber. The big question is "Why isn't this film in more theaters? I accidentally stumbled on this film. If not for that, I never would have seen it. Why? Marketing people ... distribution people ... GET THIS FILM TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC! We need to laugh ... not AT people which happens so often in films these days ... we need to laugh along with the genius of this film!