Bad Kids Go To Hell
Bad Kids Go To Hell
R | 07 December 2012 (USA)
Bad Kids Go To Hell Trailers

On a stormy Saturday afternoon, six students from Crestview Academy begin to meet horrible fates as they serve out their detentions. Is a fellow student to blame, or perhaps Crestview's alleged ghosts are behind the terrible acts?

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
jlthornb51 A worthy homage to the classic film from a more innocent time, The Breakfast Club, realized by gifted director Matthew Spradlin. Beautifully illustrating the consequences of cliques, bullying, and the mysterious teenage aversion to basic human decency, this is a powerfully relevant film for our time. With growing neurological evidence that the teenage brain is radically different from the mature mind, i.e., lacking compassion, empathy, and the capacity to respect others, such a film as this was long overdue. Starring an exciting cast of fresh young faces and featuring a most welcome Judd Nelson as the principal, the acting is uniformly superb. Director Spradlin creates an atmosphere of disturbing dread in which the brilliant script allows the characters to develop and the tightly woven plot to play out. While there are shocks and thrills, it is much more than a conventional horror film. The overwhelming terror is found in the intractability of these young people and the unholy hatred they have for authority. Self-destructive in their rejection of civilized society and common sense, these are young people enslaved to peer pressure that simply reflects their own intense immaturity. The insights into the developing human psyche and the danger of indulging young people during a time when they most need strict discipline are extraordinary. The film successfully blends horror, wit, and a profound understanding of immature humanity while at the same time being very entertaining. An ambitious and ultimately enlightening bit of cinema that should be seen by every parent and authority figure who must navigate safely the dark jungle of primitive emotion, undeveloped intelligence, and defiant opposition known as adolescence.
Film Watchin Fool Watch this enjoy murder-mystery films with some gore and teenage drama mixed in.Acting/Casting: 5.5* - The acting is solid in some of the cast (Browder, Duke) and questionable and bad in some of the others (Edwards), which results in an average score to me. I've seen much worse in this genre and in this case it doesn't take away from the movie at all.Directing/Cinematography/Technical: 6* - I will admit that the movie was confusing at times, but it had a pretty nice pace to it. It keeps the viewer engaged and the lighting and gore is done fairly well. A pretty good job done by Matthew Spradlin and his crew.Plot/Characters: 4.5* - A group of students get locked in a library for detention and people begin to die after the group solicit ancient ghosts. This is a murder/mystery type story that isn't extremely well put together and at many points is hard to follow and hard to believe.Entertainment Value: 5.5* - It was a fairly entertaining watch for a slow Sunday afternoon, but I don't think I will be watching the movie again. I also wouldn't tell anyone to go out of their way to see it, but it is an okay film.My Score: 5.5+6+4.5+5.5 = 21.5/4 = 5.375 Email your thoughts to
movieman_kev A group of pretentious rich kids serve detention at a privileged prep school where they must contend with a series of 'accidents' that may or may not be the work of an Indian ghost in this fairly competent horror version of The Breakfast Club.Fairly well-acted and I rarely found my thoughts wandering, truth be told the film did become kid of ploddy during the middle, but I found it enjoyable nonetheless. Also in the interest of full disclosure, I've never read the graphic novel that this film is based on but now I'm interested in doing just that. My main gripe would be that Judd Nelson didn't get nearly enough screen time for my liking.Eye Candy: Amanda Alch gets toplessLets stay with Augie Duke who played Veronica in this film as the link to the next instant streaming Netflix review "a lure"
Ani Blyth Having read the novels (of the graphic variety), I felt obliged to give the film a try. The trailers are not entirely representative of what the film or the original story was, I will warn you. I will also confess, I know the 8 out of 10 to be generous, but I do it to balance out a few of the more critical reviews. This film is what it is; comedy horror done in a very stylized manner. The acting leaves a bit to be desired. Judd Nelson, I will say, puts in a decent performance for the material he was given - his inclusion being a nod to the original "club" imagined differently.In short, it won't kill you to give this a try if you have the chance. Should make you smile more than once, which is more than I can say for some horror comedy I've seen.
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