Spring Breakers
Spring Breakers
R | 15 March 2013 (USA)
Spring Breakers Trailers

After four college girls rob a restaurant to fund their spring break in Florida, they get entangled with a weird dude with his own criminal agenda.

Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Edwin The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
krismancini I had no idea what to expect before watching this movie. But I'm happy I watched it, because it was 90 minutes of pure trance. That's all you need to know... Quentin Tarantino said this was his favorite movie of 2013; what more do you need to watch it?!Besides that, I don't need to summarize the plot for you because the blurb on IMDB is enough. It's basically about four girls who go to Florida for Spring Break, but a lot of illegal stuff happens along the way... and it's one of Franco's best roles on top of that.If I had to guess what kind of people would enjoy this film most, I would say young people. Parents, let this be a warning and an added layer of awareness... or a fun ride down your own memory lane.Watch it and be pleased. Oh, and don't be like most of the IMDB raters who couldn't handle the truth that was unfolding on screen, and probably opted to turning it off... this is one of those films were you can't judge it by its rating.
Rachit Nirmal 'Someone' told me to watch this movie (and I am not going to forgive that someone!) if I want to relax my mind. And guess what I wanted to relax and did this mistake.Overall you will try to find something in this movie, but till the end, it won't give you anything. You will end up in frustration by keep listening one word again and again "Spring break". Okay, we got that this movie is focused on spring break, but how much time we have to listen to just one thing again and again. Not only this, there are many scenes which keep repeating and you won't have any clue why this is happening.NO plot, NO objective, NO story, NO script writing and they were literally out of good dialogues also. This could be one of the reasons why they just kept repeating few lines. God knows why Selena Gomez was in this movie! She hardly gets a chance to appear on the screen. 4 girls bored with their routine and want to enjoy. They rob a restaurant to get money and go to spring break. For what? For drink? Drugs? Fun? Sex? Bullshit? really? they can do all these at their college!! Why go and waste money? At the end they got nothing and we get a headache with a mixture of frustration! Overall in this movie, there is no objective getting clear, because of poor story-line and plot. There is not a single moment which you can enjoy in this movie. Dear God, give me some power to go in past and get my 94 minutes back! Believe me, that 'Someone' who suggested me to watch this movie is going to pay for this
n_bond This whole movie plays out like a soft core pr0n that was quickly reworked into a jail-bail plot after being rejected by theaters. Sad, because if it had stayed a pr0n, it wouldn't be known. And the worst part is, news outlets PRAISED this crap. It's literally about 4 women... glorifying everything wrong with this generation. That being said, this is the worst movie ever, on par with Asian Schoolgirls. Anyone giving this positive reviews is either a huge creep, or friends with aforementioned news outlets.
Prismark10 Spring Breakers starts off its title sequence with scenes of a typically American rowdy party picture with women baring tits n ass. In fact you see many young ladies in bikini and several bearing all throughout the picture.Underneath this shallow opening is a quirky, moody coming of age fantasy as the film follows four college girls Candy (Vanessa Hudgens) Faith (Selena Gomez) Brit (Ashley Benson) and Cotty (Rachel Korine) on their first spring break in Florida after robbing a restaurant to fund their trip.Once they arrive in Florida the girls partake on a hedonistic time of partying, booze, drugs and sex. However when they are arrested they come to the attention of wild guy gangster Alien (James Franco.) Alien is an unlikeable sleazeball and Faith wants to go back home. The others remain even being turned on by being his neon clad gangster babes as he duels with rival gangs.Director Harmony Korine said he was inspired by the film version of Miami Vice and he does present many moodily, neon lit scenes accompanied with a gangster soundtrack and Britney Spears.The film does lull in the middle, the main female characters seem to be lightly sketched in, even deluded. Only Franco makes an impression as the devilish Alien.
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