Prozac Nation
Prozac Nation
R | 22 August 2003 (USA)
Prozac Nation Trailers

When talented young writer Elizabeth Wurtzel earns a scholarship to Harvard, she sees it as her chance to escape the pressures of her working-class background and concentrate on her true talent. But what starts out so promising leads to self-destructive behavior and paralyzing depression that reflects an entire generation's struggle to navigate the effects of divorce, drugs, sex, and high expectations.

Clevercell Very disappointing...
Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
godoyjrb It's nothing more than an apology do PROZAC; clearly a menchandising. I had severe depression and this of the so called anti-depressives never did any good for me, they don't help. AAt the 80ths a massive commercial campign in all medias tried people to believe it was a miracle, but it was only a big-pharma move to make money.About the character is mostly annoying than sick.
trashgang Just came across this flick somehow and seeing that Ricci was in it made me watch it. Because the flicks I've seen with her are always special and good. So off I went with this sad story based on a true story.Guess a lot of teenagers will recognise the story. Not fitting in and the first sexual experience being a failure. Most of them would cope with that but some do go into a depression. Let that be the story. But not only that, her dad left her mom rather quickly so she never had a father figure which is another issue in her life. Getting involved in drinking and drugs and having sex with the boyfriend of her best friend doesn't add much towards positive way of living. Manic depression and all people surrounding her drop her. Can't say much more because I would spoil it, it's based on the real life of Elizabeth Wurtzel. If you have teens at home you will recognise some situations. Worth picking up.Gore 0/5 Nudity 0,5/5 Effects 0/5 Story 3/5 Comedy 0/5
PixieMkd I just saw this movie...well, I was only five when it came out, so better later than never...and I'm glad I did. Personally I need to say that I'm very interested in these types of movies and the whole Sylvia Plath story line, and no, I haven't suffered from depression, but I'm really interested. That said, being as I don't know how it is I need to say that this movie is a great piece of work (I just found out that is based on a book)because of two things: first, it informs people who aren't familiar with the issue of depression, because a lot of people don't understand it...they want to fix people and are just frustrated that depressed people ''don't know what bothers them.'' Ricci's portrayal was in my opinion extraordinary..I think as I watched I just felt her pain and there were moments when I wanted to scream with her, to feel uncomfortable in my own skin. She was aware what kind of person she is, but she just couldn't do anything about it, also I liked how it showed how she influenced other people around her, especially her mother, who was in a way slightly responsible for her problem, no more then her father of course, but she still was there for her. And second, I think that it is a great movie for people struggling with depression, because it kind of shows them that they are not alone, and things get better. What I mean to say is that this movie isn't everyone's cup of tea, and it is brutally honest, it is not about a bit*y girl who hates everyone, there's a deeper meaning to it, so if you are not ready for 90 minutes of the hard truth about depression, you should skip it. Me, I don't regret my 90 minutes spent on watching it.
the_wolf_imdb Well. There is saying "There is nothing more efficient to break the confidence than Jewish mother". I quite didn't understand that until I have meet some families with Jewish ancestry and very, very pathological relationships between mothers and daughters. Mothers are typically very demanding, cold to daughters but full of self pity and perform emotional scenes to their daughters full of blame and incredibly poisonous mix of love and hate. The daughters feel mix of hate and guilt to mothers, they feel they are not "up to the expected standards". They would like to set themselves free, but they cannot, because they are tied to their family very strongly. Every guy who tried to get between the mother and daughter in this fight felt he lives in hell house. Everyone had to leave this hell house sooner (the boyfriend) or later (the father). This is portrayed very realistically in the movie. The pathology is here and what is worse it propagates from one generation to the next generation. Unfortunately no pill is solution to this sort of pathology. It removes the pain but not the wound itself.On the other hand the movie fails completely as the description of depression. Depression is not hysterical run to destruction and self destruction as shown in the movie. Depression sucks all the energy from people and leaves them optically calm, until something bad happens (suicide attempt). I know about several suicides of young people, usually "out of the blue", because these people were so depressed that they were not able to communicate their depression and seemed "only tired or ill" to the others. This was very sad because help from psychiatrist could actually save their lives. Not a single case was similar to the movie, usually even parents did not see what was coming, not even their friends.So, this is not movie about depression and "problem than haunts US". It is movie about inability to reflect herself or to get any insight into her situation (the part about "swallowing the lover" is especially pathological and shows total narcissism and selfish personality). There is no movement to good, no progress, only pills that replace other drugs and alcohol to hide the problem. This is description of utter failure to resolve or achieve anything, she is as damaged at the end as she was in the beginning. The idea that someone could try to find something of use for his life from this movie is actually very frightening. Very, very bad example, please see this as only warning how to NOT proceed on therapy!