The Hatton Garden Job
The Hatton Garden Job
| 14 April 2017 (USA)
The Hatton Garden Job Trailers

In April 2015, the Hatton Garden Safe Deposit Company, an underground safe deposit facility in London's Hatton Garden area, was burgled by 4 elderly men. With the stolen property having a value of up to £200 million, the incident has been called the "largest burglary in English history".

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Pjtaylor-96-138044 It's not clear exactly how closely 'The Hatton Garden Job (2017)' sticks to the true events it is based upon, given that it spends time dubiously setting up Hungarian gangsters and extortion-minded dirty cops as a danger to the composite character that serves as the protagonist. As such, it occupies the space between a straight realistic retelling and and an embellished crime caper while taking only the most boring elements of each. Though the editing and on-the-nose narration are clearly trying to recreate that 'Guy Ritchie' kind of style - and doing it poorly at that, even they can't liven up what eventually amounts to four blokes sat in a room while a drill bores through a wall and the flick bores the audience. On top of that, the characters are cardboard cut-outs without any real personality or motivation and the movie opts not to explore the moral questions raised by such an obviously criminal act - which is actually overtly glamorised here. 5/10
Prismark10 The Hatton Cross Job is a fictional story based on facts. In Easter 2015, the Hatton Garden Safe Deposit Company was robbed by four old lags.Matthew Goode plays the unnamed young man who recruits the old timers with their various ailments who know how to steal the old way. Goode is bankrolled by some East Europeans but an ex copper is on to him.This is an efficient, low budget film. A couple of actors like Stephen Moyer drop in for a scene or two. It is not too far departed from the lovable ageing gangsters trope, reminiscing and joking about the good old days when the villains lived by a code. Then wondering where the next dose of painkillers have got to.
jrmcveigh It lost a point for the music or lack of creativity,2nd had to be the lack of truth, there was some artistic license a good eg would be the tool they used, a very niche tool, certainly not what you find at a flea market. The 3rd: depth of the plot or lack of. Over all a good interpretation of events.
nollaigpcs An insult to real Bank robbing Criminals. This was a chest beating British Actors failure. Not much of what actually happened during the robbery happened in this Film. I was looking forward to seeing this for a while...I'll never get this time back. It lacked so much to even come close to the real event. Lots of big mistakes made in almost every scene. I know these Actors couldn't care less about my opinion but the Writers and Producers should . I didn't enter any 'spoilers' because it is beneath me to ruin a Film that ruined itself. A great Film story ruined by among many other things....fictional 'Hungarian' Mobster'ess who never existed. Spare me next time.Very disappointed.