PG-13 | 02 December 2016 (USA)
Incarnate Trailers

An exorcist comes up against an evil from his past when he uses his skills to enter the mind of a nine year old boy.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
VividSimon Simply Perfect
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Karasu87 From the very get go, it started off fairly well, and similar to the Exorcist and other possession films. With the introduction of the lead family, followed by a kid getting possessed, then show the hero in a bad ass scene as he helps a possessed guy.Yeah, after that, it started going downhill for me. It wasn't really bad, per se, just very unrealistic. Mainly in terms of certain deaths, and how the cops were strangely absent, and no questions asked, etc. "So... not one of you know how this guy died? Despite there being five of you, and a kid locked in a room? OK, sound logic." In terms of acting, and cinematography, it was pretty good. Especially Aaron Eckhart as the gruff, wheelchair bound hero, Ember. He was likable as the character, and one of the reasons I even bothered to rate it a 7.Story-wise, I actually did like it. It had a good premise, just.... some parts were poorly executed. Kinda like if the Exorcist was put in the hands of a director who had no idea what the script was about. I do wonder what the writers were thinking half way through the movie: "A toned down Exorcist with a hint of the Matrix? They'll totally buy that!" You have a character able to traverse minds... in which a demon controls the host. And yet, the 'mind' sequences didn't have any horror in them? Blasphemy! I would've so had a Night of the Demons dream sequence if I wrote it! But the movie is good as something intense to watch while bored, or while you wait for another movie to come on, or while you wait for some popcorn to, er, pop. More of a thriller than an actual horror movie though. But if you enjoy predictable twist endings, a life-hating hero and a bar fight scene, then check it out.
grimlock6666 I'll simply say this about Incarnate, if you're looking for a film that is in the vein of Insidious or some other horror film that relies on the viewer actually paying attention to the story over the typical guts and gore, then you're in luck. However, if you're looking to just kill an hour and a half with something mindless, look elsewhere. This movie, while by no means perfect, is also highly underrated and at least tries to put its' own twist on the whole possession sub-genre. Don't let the negative rating or reviews put you off, this is one film that you'll regret not viewing several years later. In this viewer's opinion, this is a future cult classic.
timtousley For a movie panned by almost all critics and the majority of fans, I only watched this because I was idling at the computer and wanted a distraction. Also I usually enjoy Aaron Eckhart in his craft. After about two scenes of worthy dialog in I became latched and realized why it had some buzz (script, cast).The story-line has worthy elements, and it competes well with other 'possession' films. I do not scare from horror, but enjoy digesting it for social understanding of what gets beneath the skin of common folk. I really enjoyed The Order and The Rite as well if that helps.The cast was great and I feel they exceeded the quality of its worthy script -- the best part of the final product.This movie will likely not be your favorite movie in any level of context... movies generally, dramatic horrors, films about possession. I still believe it's worth the view for anyone who is into any of those things or any of the primary cast as they all bring the value.My biggest complaint is the director and / or the editor... there were some early shots scenes and music scores that almost convinced me to turn it off and move on. Horror doesn't need help from 'camp'. Because I weathered those I got to bits that mattered and then the meat of the film proved interesting (atheist, raised Catholic, if you feel that detail matters).Special kudos to Eckhart's agent for finding yet another off- the-beaten-path script for him to bring his talent to. He will always be remembered for Harvey Dent of course, but for me films like "I Frankenstein", "Thank You for Smoking", and this one are roles I will ultimately most cherish him for.Understand this up front, this film is *not* for everyone. My ratings / appreciations are my own and I tried to express my appreciations in such a way that the folks who would appreciate it will know who they are up front.
prashant-16065 the movie isn't as bad as it is rated here by the is well planned and well executed. the story is really gripping and keep you engage until the end. this isn't the kind of movie which thrives on horror or want you to jump from your seat. this is a mystery which unfolds with something you want to see. i enjoyed the movie and it delivered what i wanted to see. certainly some things are there which i didn't understand, may be a second watch will clear it.