Cold Moon
Cold Moon
| 27 October 2016 (USA)
Cold Moon Trailers

Cold Moon takes place in tiny Babylon, Fla., where the granddaughter of Clark’s character is murdered by a mysterious assailant, her body sunk into the black waters of the Styx River — the river where her parents disappeared from their boat a decade earlier. Suspicion falls on a duplicitous banker and his wealthy father, played by Stewart and Lloyd.

Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
MusicChat It's complicated... I really like the directing, acting and writing but, there are issues with the way it's shot that I just can't deny. As much as I love the storytelling and the fantastic performance but, there are also certain scenes that didn't need to exist.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
emilgrims What can I say? I saw this movie few months ago and always wanted to do a review about it mainly because it was so so so bad. But when I started writing I had no idea what to say about other then that that it was really bad. I was bored out of my mind the whole time. But I was too stubborn to quit watching it which I really regret now since I really just wasted my time with watching this crap. The plot was boring, the acting was pretty bad in my opinion and there were some weird plot holes. Really what was even going on? This is supposed to be some revenge story. But I really just wanted to hit the snooze button on this one. Don't bother.
kmc3398 I didn't watch because of particular actors being billed so that wasn't a turn off for me like it was for others. It was a lot better than the typical 3/4 star horror movies I watch on Amazon. I agree with those who consider it more of a ghost/supernatural flick rather than a horror. I think since the ghosts were after the bad guy it didn't seem scary, although it did have some freaky scenes toward the end. It did have a bit of a slow start, but after the first murder it kept me engaged throughout. It also had me emotionally vested in the movie as I just kept getting angrier that the D-bag antagonist just kept getting away with more and more stuff. It really had me hoping he would get what was coming to him. It really got to the point where I was thinking that simply getting killed wouldn't be enough punishment for him, and I must admit I wasn't disappointed with how it all caught up with him...very satisfying. If you're like me and are constantly scouring Amazon and Netflix for a nightly horror flick I would definitely recommend this one. It's by far the best I've seen this week (turning off Mr. Cleaver as I type, this seems awful).
Leethal1 This is a difficult movie to review. It had both good acting and bad acting. Good visual effects and bad visual effects. Interesting story line and a boring story line. The start played out kind-a-like a 90s B movie and then it got better, then it got worse, then better, then worse.Christopher Lloyd appeared all of 10-15 minutes throughout. Tommy Wiseau said 1 - 2 giving them first billing is dishonest. Overall there were some OK scares and I Liked the bizarre imagery at times. Otherwise the story was a bit disjointed and the editing felt a bit jerky. It wasn't good enough to like, but not bad enough to hate. 4/10
jxfa Semi spoilers ahead - Movie was pretty good. Decent horror movie with bigger actors but not so great effects. I will say that the acting of the grandmother was absolutely horrendous, I mean so bad that I almost had to turn it off at times. Started out giving this movie a 5 because of her, but due to wonderful events I raised it to a 6. Seriously she was ALMOST as annoying as Lily from Modern Family.