R | 22 January 2016 (USA)
Synchronicity Trailers

A daring physicist travels into the past to stop a mysterious woman from stealing his invention. But once there, he uncovers a surprising truth about the machine, the woman, and his own fractured reality.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Verity Robins Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Tom Twain Appeared to be building a plot for the first 15 minutes, or so, then seemed to suffer from what I call "Topic Derailment Syndrome" and could not reach it's destination... if it even knew where it was heading to begin with. There's a bit of a love story in there (I think), but even that was more like an after thought due to the rapidly disintegrating plot.Synchronicity is a word which I would use to describe things which have some sort of timely connection... not a word I would use to describe this film.!?Does this review contain spoilers? If someone could add a spoiler, I'd be keen to read it... maybe it could explain what the film was about !
baphinda-43751 Definitely a good movie with a 80s/comic feeling. Dark corners, smokey ambient and big empty spaces gives this movie the right ecosystem for a sci fi based on 80-s thesis of future, all held together by a passion story. It doesn't fail at the end. Your need to like sci fi thematic before liking this movie.
Jackson Superbus Coll I came to IMDb to justify what I know to be true, that this is an excellent movie, but the ratings don't seem to show that. That is confusing to me.I think part of the issue of this movie is that it doesn't spoon feed you the plot. You have to think. You have to reflect. You can't go into this movie in a lazy mood, you have to be ready to consider what you are being shown or else you're going to have trouble understanding.The acting was good all around, no academy awards here but at no point was I drawn out of the action due to a jarring performance. The story was where the movie really shines, it's about a time machine and that's all I will say without giving too much away. If you're into complete SCI-FI time machine content you'll love this. It reminded me of Steins Gate in a lot of ways which is a great thing.There are so many twists and turns in this movie that you start to question what you think you 'know' about it.I really had no complaints about this movie at all, it's a bunch of good elements that come together to create a great movie.TL;DR: If you're into SCI-FI movies, I'm absolutely sure you'll enjoy this, just be in the mood to do some thinking.
DrZom-77-388656 A time travel story is judged by how well it lives within its own created paradox. If you want to see that done well, choose "Predestination" over "Synchronisity".There are two ways a story can deal with the paradox: one is to allow it to exist and the other is to threaten destruction, of the subject, of the universe, or both. This movie sadly chose the latter course and that is very hard to get out of. If you travel back in time, say five days, you will have a five day long paradox. But that paradox both begins and ends when your primary self takes the trip back; a temporal loop has been formed where only for that five day period do you find yourself and your secondary self sharing the world. At the moment the primary makes the jump, at that instant the secondary becomes the one and only in the present, and the paradox ends. Almost a Hegelian Dialectic in its elegance.The clever writer can create loop over loop over loop with still a satisfying explanation and ending. Then there is the writer who paints himself into that corner of destruction and must find a way out. Some Deus ex Machina. I cannot detail how the god appears to rescue the character/universe from destruction in "Synchronisity" without spoiling the end. I do hate spoilers, but I walked away thinking I had my choice of endings. My advice to you is to first watch "Predestination" and then go to this movie. Oh, and some likable characters might have helped just a bit. I might have given a 3 out of 10.