Stargate: The Ark of Truth
Stargate: The Ark of Truth
PG | 11 March 2008 (USA)
Stargate: The Ark of Truth Trailers

SG-1 searches for an ancient weapon which could help them defeat the Ori, and discover it may be in the Ori's own home galaxy. As the Ori prepare to send ships through to the Milky Way to attack Earth, SG-1 travels to the Ori galaxy aboard the Odyssey. The International Oversight committee have their own plans and SG-1 finds themselves in a distant galaxy fighting two powerful enemies.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
XweAponX I'm disappointed that some reviewers here treated this like a Feature Film instead of what it is, one of two SG-1 "Episodes" that deal with loose ends left from the series. This one focuses on The Ori Followers and has a side-trip into Replicatorville.This was not ever intended to be Feature Film Quality. As far as Production Value, it's probably the best SG-1 Episode ever made, along with "Continuum".Like a few other's I stopped watching SG-1 for seasons 9 and 10, so I missed the whole Ori storyline. I came into this without any of the background. Even so, it was not difficult for me to follow the story: And some cleverly placed flashbacks show the history of the Ori's incursion into "our" galaxy and what had transpired in seasons 9 and 10. I had no trouble understanding the main plots, but now that I have gone back and watched seasons 9 and 10, I can really enjoy this.The Fires of Celestos have gone out - Which is the City of the Gods as shown in "Avalon pt II" - The Ori are Gone, but the Followers of the Ori are not. The Ancients had actually thought up a solution, millions of years ago: The Ark of Truth. But they were loathe to use it, as it represented the same kind of coercion which The Ori Followers use. Mainly the Ark is designed to cause followers of the Ori to question their beliefs. At least that is what it is programmed to do by The Ancients. But they built in a safeguard: The Ark can only be programmed to make people believe things which are True, which would effectively prevent the Ori from taking The Ark and using it to make people believe their propaganda.Daniel Jackson sees the Ark in his dreams, as well as a mountain blowing up. Assuming the vision came from Merlin, who helped Jackson create the weapon which killed all of the Ori, SG-1 is led to the ruins of Dakara. As expected, an Ori ship shows up and out pops Vala's "Husband" Tomin (Tim Guinee), some Ori Soldiers, and the Prior who we saw get converted in "Avalon part II" and "Origin" (Greg Anderson, who deserves note for a fine job of creeping us out).We knew that Tomin was starting to question the way his Prior was using the book of Origin to rationalize atrocities done in the Ori's name, and he had already given SG-1 safe passage. But when the Prior tries to revoke that, Tomin cracks and SG-1 skirts certain death once again by the skin of their teeth.So, SG-1 returns to Command with Tomin in tow. Homeworld Command has one advanced ship with an Asgard Core: The Odyssey. Basically the idea is to sneak in to the Ori Galaxy through the Super-Stargate, find the Ark, and turn it on. Then Bring it back to "our" galaxy, and turn it on there, too.But the IOA, the agency which was set up for Homeworld Command Oversight, has a new face to replace Woolsey (Robert Picardo) who went to Atlantis: Merrick, played by Currie Graham. The IOA had created a secondary, secret plan: Which was to release Replicators into the Ori Galaxy! Needless to say, in the Middle of SG-1's mission, Merrick releases a special replicator onto the Odyssey, one which is immune to the anti-replicator weapon Jack created in Season 7. And, he activated the Asgard Core to do it which is an Instant Ori-Magnet! So... Replicators overrun Odyssey, Ori ships chasing them, Daniel, Vala, and Tomin captured, and Teal'c has a new hole blown into his back to match his frontal Symbiote Pouch, what is not to like? The production is superb, almost feature film quality. And it's one last blast for SG-1. Well, Almost one last blast, it depends on which SG-1 Movie you watch first, Continuum or Ark. I chose to watch this one first, then Continuum. Either way, it wraps up all remaining plot lines for SG-1.
brandon_lee420 The last ever episode for Stargate SG-1 was one that you could remember forever because it defined the team SG-1 as heroic, stubborn, smart, funny, and, no matter what, they had a solution for everything (a bit like Mcgyver). The last episode was intense, emotional, and sad (Teal'c is older than everyone by 50 years or something), so it seemed like the perfect episode except that they didn't tell you what happened to the Ori. Your hopes are dashed when you find out that the Ori's fate is unknown. You do a bit of searching around when you see Stargate: The Ark of Truth. You immediately buy it, hoping that this will answer everything. The film is a great addition to the Stargate franchise because it does contain action, laughs, a weird-kind-of story, and it is way more longer so you get to watch the fun more than forty-three minutes. The team is still looking at the clues at what happened to the Ori but when they find out that they are not dead, they go in search of an artifact called The Ark Of Truth, a device which tell the truth about anything if seen by the eyes. Their goal is exactly that but there are others who are after it. The film re-introduces the Replicators back but are they helping the good side or the bad side. The performances are not very different from what you saw in the series but I have to give two thumbs up to Christopher Judge for his great performance as Teal'c, Ben Browder for his jokes and slight remarks during bad times (never did get to fill Richard Dean Anderson's shoes though), Morena Baccarin for her villainous role but she did slack at the end, Claudia Black and Michael Shanks along with Amanda Tapping for there integrity and, often, funny jokes. Beau Bridges was great as well! I was a bit disappointed at the ending because it is so un-Stargate like and it didn't even have a twist but it did leave space for some more Stargate films. I loved the atmosphere in the film as well, especially the part where Teal'c is walking with a wound on his back because that part was really beautiful and the camera angle was perfect. The film should have had an cameo by Richard Dean Anderson because he would have been a relief to see in this film. The film is recommended for anyone who enjoys the series and is compulsory to watch since it tells you what happens to the Ori.The film starts off with the SG-1 on the ruined planet Dakara, searching around for The Ark of Truth when the Ori appear out of nowhere. A squad of Ori soldiers led by Tomin, husband of Vala Mal Doran, ask SG-1 to surrender and they do. An prior comes between them and when things get heated, Tomin kills the prior and gains the teams trust. Later.... SG-1 embark into the Ori Galaxy on the ship Odyssey with an International Oversight Committee agent between them monitoring the mission. The agent makes a mistake which puts everyone's life in danger aboard the ship and also risks the failure of the mission. Will SG-1 overcome the mistake done by the agent and destroy the Ori, or will they perish and let the universe be converted?The dialog is slightly better and funnier than season nine and tens. It is in a way more grimmer than ever. The action is obvious and no different from what you see in the series, so to put it straight it sucks. The fight at the end was so messy and weird, you didn't even know which one was which. The plot is straight forward and contains no twists (damn) but enjoy the film for what it is. The music and soundtrack can never get old, even if you have heard it 212 times and I loved hearing the metallic-sort-of music at the beginning. Epic! If you like this, I also recommend: Firefly (stars Morena Baccarin), Serenity, V, Battlestar Galactica, and Stargate Atlantis. 7.5/10
alexander-621-466608 STARGATE is the freaking greatest TV-series i've seen my whole life.It all started when a friend of mine forced me to watch two episodes with him. It was actually interesting :)Within the following 3 months I had bought and seen all of stargate up to date. 10 seasons of Stargate SG-1 containing 214 episodes, 5 seasons of Stargate Atlantis containing 100 episodes, ½ season of Stargate Universe containing so far 10 episodesBesides that i've seen the two stargate movies: Stargate: Continuum and Stargate: The Ark of TruthWell, my point is that this is a freaking awesome TV-series. Worth watching! Maybe you shoudn't do it like me(watching 16 seasons and 2 movies within 3 months), but at least watch it:) Its so damn worth it.
Virgil Ierubino (Aquillyne) 'Stargate: The Ark of Truth' closes the story left open after the series 'Stargate SG-1' was cancelled. What we must bear in mind however is that the story it closes only began in SG-1's ninth season, and only lasted 40 episodes. The main storyline of 'Stargate SG-1' was already closed at the end of Season 8, after 174 episodes; and I personally would have preferred if the show had ended there. The last two seasons of SG-1 suffered a severe dip in quality that runs straight through into 'The Ark of Truth'.The film makes absolutely no compromise for new viewers, so I will provide a brief backdrop (although even this will be insufficient to understand the film fully). The Ori are beings living on a higher plane of reality posing as Gods, and the more people who worship them as such, the more powerful they become. A set of similar beings, known as the Alterans (or Ancients) are the only defence against the Ori taking over the Milky Way. However, neither beings are able to directly interfere with physical reality, and hence the Ori use their religion, "Origin", to have their bidding done by humans. A huge army of followers has created a "Supergate", a teleportation device, that they will use to send a fleet of starships and troops to Earth - where they will convert its inhabitants to "Origin" by force. SG-1 is the primary five-strong team taking orders from the U.S. Government to counter these inter-galactic threats.There was a lot that could have been done with a Stargate film - something that hasn't been seen since 1994 - and the fans of the TV show were certainly expecting a lot. This is perhaps why the film begins so badly – it's like they couldn't think of anything good enough to match the anticipation, so for safety they picked something completely nondescript. That is, a full 2 minutes of mountains; and literally nothing to go with the mountains other than music. I do not exaggerate - there aren't even titles or credits. It's like it's trying to be the epic introduction to 'The Two Towers' (Peter Jackson, 2002) - which begins by gliding through the snowy peaks of a fantasy land - but lacking the brevity, grace, grandeur and beauty. The only thing epic about 'Ark's beginning is the anticlimax.The ultimate downfall of the film is encapsulated in these first 2 minutes: the production team behind 'Stargate SG-1' had spent ten years making 42-minute episodes - they just didn't know how to handle the scale of something feature-length. The whole film feels like an early Season 10 episode with 60 minutes of padding, as exemplified by these opening fly-bys. Why mountains? As the plot reveals, the mountains have nothing to do with anything. I can easily imagine a brainstorming session the creative team went through, where someone suddenly shouted, "Mountains! Mountains are epic! Just look at the start of The Two Towers!". Any entertainment production needs to grab you from the outset, and 'Ark' crucially fails to do this.What is perhaps most annoying about the introduction, besides its sheer tedium, is that Joel Goldsmith did indeed provide the film with a grandiose score, and it completely fails to make use of it. In the overture, a subtle, multi-instrumental build-up leads to the familiar but deeper and richer Stargate theme tune which, as anyone who has heard it will know, has a very clear "moment of climax". Indeed, in every Stargate production made to date, except one or two early episodes, this climactic musical note signalled the moment for the display of the title. 'Ark' ignores this and continues flying past its unimpressive selection of mountains.Immediately following the introduction we have a short discussion between some Alterans, set millions of years ago when they were human in form. They decide that they cannot use the eponymous 'Ark' as a weapon against the Ori as it is too unethical. Immediately we skip to the present, and SG-1 is searching for the Ark to use as a weapon against the Ori. Have I missed something, or has Stargate quite simply thrown away the very thing that made it stand out from the crowd of sci-fi productions; i.e. philosophically and ethically troubled protagonists? This notion is dealt with very lightly; the main character throws some lines at the screen a few times about how the use of the Ark is the better of two evils, or that they are in desperate times, but this pales in comparison to the Season 5 episode where he literally gave his life to save a civilisation. Why the change? The answer is simple: the writers couldn't think of a better solution to the Ori threat, and so they needed their characters to be okay with it.Because ultimately, what could the solution have been? The show had spent 2 years reiterating that the Ori were a force impossible to reckon with, that their technology was superior to Earth's by light-years, and that if Earth ever came into any kind of combat with them they'd be frazzled before they could don their uniforms: this overbearing power was a necessity both to create tension and also to make the Ori an even more potent foe than the mega-enemies that had just been defeated at the end of Season 8. So when Season 10 concluded, and the Ori were on the brink of invading Earth, what could the solution have been? War would have been out of the question, 40 episodes had demonstrated that negotiation or reason was impossible – we were doomed. Enter the Ark. It is a Deus Ex Machina solution of dizzying proportions, and a McGuffin that sends SG-1 on a padded hunt for 90 minutes, interrupted with improbable enemies. I would have appreciated more creativity than what is effectively looking for a device that has a button reading 'Click Here to Beat the Ori'.