War of the Worlds 2: The Next Wave
War of the Worlds 2: The Next Wave
R | 18 March 2008 (USA)
War of the Worlds 2: The Next Wave Trailers

Two years after the Martian invasion, George Herbert's worst fears are realized: The Aliens have returned. As a second wave of Martian walkers lay waste to what's left of Earth, an alliance of military forces prepares a daring attack on the Red Planet itself. Once again, the future of mankind hangs in the balance.

Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
lethelweapon This movie was so misleading I watched it a few years back with a couple of my friends. We were a bit younger than so we couldn't tell weather a movie was gonna be good or not and because war of the worlds was such a big movie we assumed this sequel would be just as good. BOY WERE WE WRONG! this movie was lame, boring, was underdeveloped, had a weak plot, weak script and uncreative dialogue. The acting was o.k but still pretty weak, the directing was average nothing new. some scenes were so dragged out and boring that I found myself getting lost in my own thoughts! SPOILER ALERT part of the films plot was that the military had invented jets that could fly in space so that they could fight the aliens outside of earth.........do I need to say anymore? the only good part for me was the ending, and I don't mean as in I hated it so much that I was happy to see it finish (which I was) I mean the last scene of the film was the most humorous and interesting. Other wise don't waist your time and money on this piece of crap!
Michael_Elliott War of the Worlds 2 (2008) * (out of 4)This direct-to-DVD sequel has George Herbert (C. Thomas Howell) returning as the father who has everything turn worse when our alien friends come back for a second invasion. To try and stay ahead of them, George, his new buddy (Christopher Reid) and others jump in their spaceships and head off to outer space to destroy the alien's mothership (no, I'm not kidding). I guess you have to give The Asylum credit for delivering something that's actually worse than the previous film. It's really too bad this low-budget film took itself too serious because when you do that you really don't leave yourself any room for some humor and that's something this thing really needed. It also needed some campy moments because as it stands this sequel is just deadly dull with nothing going for it. Once again, the biggest problem is that the screenplay is simply all over the place and it tries to deliver some sort of epic story but it fails horribly simply because the film can't deliver anything. The low-budget prevented any of the scenes from looking real so it's hard to take your outer space voyage serious when you don't believe for a second that they're actually there. You'll notice most of the shots in space are close-ups of the actors and I'm going to guess this was done so that the production didn't have to "dress up" what was behind them (which was probably just a white wall). The special effects this time around are also on the low rent style but there were a few good set designs towards the end as well as a couple goo-filled items. The performances are all on the weak side and that especially includes Reid who really doesn't get into his character at all. Fans of his should certainly stick with HOUSE PARTY. Howell took directing duties here and I think he had enough visual flare to where I'd like to see him handled an actual decent project to work on. Still, WAR OF THE WORLDS 2 is pretty worthless and easily a title you can skip.
Bobby Mckeown This is a sequel to a straight to video version that was made around the same time as Spielbergs version. It stars C. Thomas Howell. After he appeared in the first film he decided that he could do a better job with the sequel and took the helm as director. Yes, it is every bit as sh1te and avoidable as it sounds. However, one of the co-stars, a Mr. Christopher Reid, who plays the character 'Pete'. His most notable achievement was the character 'Kid' in the Kid 'n' Play films from the late 80's / early 90's. His most notable achievement until now! He is quite simply the single most worst actor ever. EVER. If, instead of him, they had hired some clueless gimp off the street, not given them a script or any inkling as to what part they were playing or what they were supposed to be doing, they would have done a better job. It's this performance that makes the film worth watching. The part has made him a legend in my eyes. Absolute legend. Do yourself a service and watch this film.
DiamondGirl427 I happened to see this movie listed on IMDb and wondered what it was...after all, I had never heard of a sequel being made after the first one came out. But..after watching part of it..I understood why is never made it ANYWHERE. The fact it is even shown on SYFY is surprising..and frankly, they do show some lame stuff on there quite often. C. Thomas Howell looked really old..and it truly seemed like he did not enjoy his part in the film...that came across clearly on camera. The acting skills of most of the others in the cast was lame to say the least. The guy from Kid & Play might have been there for comic relief or as a token black dude...not sure which really. He should have stuck with a music career instead of lowering himself to this mess. The special effects were anything but special...they looked cheap and cheesy. Granted....Tom Cruise and Dakota Fanning probably regret signing on for the original...but the actors in this will regret they ever signed on for this one for sure.
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