The Invisible Man
The Invisible Man
NR | 03 November 1933 (USA)
The Invisible Man Trailers

Working in Dr. Cranley's laboratory, scientist Jack Griffin was always given the latitude to conduct some of his own experiments. His sudden departure, however, has Cranley's daughter Flora worried about him. Griffin has taken a room at the nearby Lion's Head Inn, hoping to reverse an experiment he conducted on himself that made him invisible. But the experimental drug has also warped his mind, making him aggressive and dangerous. He's prepared to do whatever it takes to restore his appearance.

UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Woodyanders Scientist Dr. Jack Griffin (an excellent performance by Claude Rains) tries to reverse an experiment that has caused him to become invisible. Unfortunately, the drug Griffin used for said experiment has also made him dangerously unstable.Director James Whale, working from a clever script by R.C. Sheriff, offers a flavorsome evocation of the rural village setting and its colorful inhabitants, keeps the absorbing story moving along at a brisk pace, ably crafts a strong gloomy atmosphere, stages the exciting climax with skill and aplomb, and tops everything off with inspired moments of dark humor. Rains, who acts primarily with his rich and commanding voice alone, does a remarkable job of making Griffin an alternately pitiable and frightening tragic character. Moreover, there are sturdy supporting contributions from Gloria Stuart as Griffin's concerned fiancé Flora Cranley, William Harrigan as Griffin's reluctant partner Dr. Arthur Kemp, Henry Travers as the equally worried Dr. Cranley, Forrester Harvey as the meek Herbert Hall, Holmes Herbert as the huffy Chief of Police, and E.E. Clive as the bumbling Constable Jaffers. Una O'Connor provides hilarious comic relief as feisty innkeeper Jenny Hall. The ingenious special effects still hold up quite well. Kudos are also in order for Arthur Edeson's crisp cinematography and Heinz Roemheld's robust'n'rousing score. Worthy of its classic status.
bkoganbing As I write this review I'm noting that there is a planned remake for The Invisible Man that will star Johnny Depp. It will have to go some in taking on what I believe is an impossible task of trying to duplicate Claude Rains in the unseen role.Carl Laemmle at Universal Pictures knew that instinctively that one would have to have one special voice that could hold the attention of the audience as half of the actor's tools, body language and facial expressions are not available to one playing the part. Laemmle certainly got his money's worth in obtaining the services of Claude Rains for the lead. Rains was possessor of one of the great classically trained voices ever on the screen.In this film based on the H.G. Wells story Rains working on his own while employed by Henry Travers on the secret of transparency. The secret ingredient is some Hollywood invented stuff called Monocane which does render living things transparent. It also drives them mad as Travers learns when he translated some German experimentation. But Rains doesn't know that as he takes some rooms at an inn to work in isolation. When the curious led by landlady Una O'Connor get too much he lets them in for more than they bargained for. The Invisible Man is unleashed on the world. By the way Una O'Connor is worth seeing this film alone for with her reactions to Rains.Both Travers and his daughter Gloria Stuart are truly concerned for Rains. Stuart is truly frightened as is Travers's other assistant William Harrigan who also likes Stuart. Stuart is frightened for Rains and the world as Rains explains the possibilities of what invisibility allows him to do.Harrigan has an interesting role and doesn't get enough praise for it. I'm sure he's not a person of any great courage. But he certainly isn't a villain here. Rains forces himself on Harrigan because he needs a confederate and one with scientific training certainly helps. But it's precisely because he is also a scientist that Harrigan is frightened of him. He may act cowardly, but I dare say not too many of us would react differently. I think his part as Doctor Kemp might have been William Harrigan's career role.James Whale best known for directing Frankenstein and Showboat got the most out of his fine ensemble, but especially with Rains whom you feel sympathy for as his experiment has truly isolated him from the human race.The Invisible Man holds up well today and this was one auspicious beginning in the film career of Claude Rains whom we never see till the very end.
oOoBarracuda I was greatly disappointed to have missed finally seeing The Invisible Man when I made my way through classic horror titles this October. Being stuck inside with an ice storm raging in the middle of December, finally able to watch all the movies I hadn't yet worked through on my DVR, I was instantly convinced that The Invisible Man is more of a winter than an autumnal movie. The Invisible Man takes place during a snow storm as a scientist who has discovered the secret to invisibility by himself becoming invisible. Starring Claude Rains and directed by James Whale in 1933, The Invisible Man remains a classic over 80 years after its release.Dr. Jack Griffin (Claude Rains) has finally been given the freedom to conduct his own experiments without oversight. When he disappears from his laboratory without notice, his boss's daughter and love interest become concerned. Griffin has taken a room at a nearby Inn during a snowstorm. Griffin is hoping time will reverse the effects of his most recent experiment rendering him invisible. The longer the waits, the more mad he becomes quickly realizing that the same drug that resulted in his invisibility is also changing his brain chemistry. As he becomes more aggressive and increasingly dangerous, it becomes clear that the only way to save those around him may be to end his own life.Claude Rains is wonderful. I have never thought of this movie without synonymously thinking of Claude Rains. It is mind boggling, to me, to think of Boris Karloff, who was originally cast, in the role. The special effects for this film were incredible considering The Invisible Man was released in 1933. Enhanced with witty dialogue, a strong performance by Rains, and captivating effects, it is no wonder the Invisible Man is considered the classic that it is.
elvircorhodzic The man whose head was wrapped in bandages almost always acts disturbing. If such a phenomenon following the horror elements, the story will seem daunting. THE INVISIBLE MAN is a pretty good horror. Films with visual and digital effects that should arouse a certain horror and shock in their thirties may have accounted for an incredible miracle, and he would have shocked all those who love the wonders of film creation or animation. The director who is brave enough to snatch shots and camera in order to shock the masses deserves slope to the floor. Claude Rains played the role of the phantom man only voice and gestures to him throughout the film does not see the face. The viewer will now feel plasticity, especially in the action scenes where you can see all the effort to do everything as perfectly. It was a time when the science-fiction genre fits exactly with the avant-Gard, expressionist or any other modernist expression. I think it was in the thirties simply thought the film magic on the one hand and garbage that draw the attention of viewers with themes and stories from the other side. James Whale is a story worked out in great detail. In the sci-fi genre that's necessary. The film observes a strange accelerated progression, the movements of the characters and developments, observed something sudden energy in dialogue. Mystique! Invisible man stew to the city and the people as a man in introversion with the capacity of invisibility, but as a man who is 'happy' under the influence of specific chemicals. Scientist! His motives are from some strange inner subconscious urge and desire to experiment, poured into an invisible form in which he wakes up madness and revenge hunger for power. Invisible Man becomes no longer a criminal in order to crime, rather than becoming a terrorist who with pleasure wants to destroy the world.The atmosphere is grim. The story was only solid. The film is a horror, but he lacks a bit of weirdness. I have the impression that the key scenes is not going to end. Invisible man is not enough. The film is less dosed with black humor.The main actor Claude Rains was forced to use a particular outfit and make-up, a recording was extremely hard and uncomfortable. I think he has put a lot of effort and did a good job.Other actors are solid, and in particular to highlight Una O'Connor, her "interesting" face and tragicomic screaming.James Whale was once again confirmed the reputation of a specialist in horror films. In the end he managed to convince the audience that the main protagonist is invisible.