New Nightmare
New Nightmare
R | 14 October 1994 (USA)
New Nightmare Trailers

Cast and crew from earlier A Nightmare on Elm Street installments are terrorized by Freddy Krueger and his razor-fingered glove as he crosses over into the real world.

Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
TheLittleSongbird The original 'A Nightmare on Elm Street' is still to me one of the scariest and best horror films there is, as well as a truly great film in its own right and introduced us to one of the genre's most iconic villains in Freddy Krueger. It is always difficult to do a sequel that lives up to a film as good as 'A Nightmare on Elm Street' let alone one to be on the same level.After the 'A Nightmare on Elm Street' series showed signs of severe fatigue, that it was suggestive of the series being completely dead, original director Wes Craven makes a welcome return and brings new, fresh life to the series. 'New Nightmare' may not be as good as the original, none of the follow-ups are (though two of the previous sequels, the third and fourth, were good), but it is the best of the follow-ups since the third and is one of the best in the series. 'New Nightmare' has its faults. Its biggest one is the ending, it is just ridiculous and jars tonally with the rest of the film, which took a darker and more serious direction (perhaps more so than the original). Count me in as another person who didn't care for Freddy's look here, it looks rather goofy and doesn't do Robert Englund's creepy performance and the way Freddy's written justice. Heather Langenkamp also seemed a bit bland and seemed rather anaemic for a character written more dramatically than previously. On the other hand, 'New Nightmare' looks very atmosphere and made with a good deal of style and slickness. The production design has a suitably nightmarish look and the special effects are great and perhaps superior to the original's. The music score is haunting.The writing may lack the one-liners seen before, but the more serious direction the dialogue took was appreciated after the fifth and sixth films did such a poor job with the one-liners and comedy. The dialogue isn't mind-blowing but it flows decently and intrigues at least. The semi-documentary-style adopted for some of the film is very interesting, making for one of the most original ideas of the follow-ups and the series overall too, while still delivering on the shocks, suspense and creepiness. Despite the goofy look for Freddy, Englund is very creepy and even with not much screen time he burns long in the memory. In summary, one of the series' better entries and worth staying awake for. 7/10 Bethany Cox
jordansepticeye This movie is nearly perfect,I'll talk about the cons first,there isn't enough Freddy,and the cinematography makes it feel like a Lifetime movie.The good,the tone,it is dark and sinister and Freddy is actually scary.The characters,I cared about them,and the acting was great,the child actor did pretty good.The messages about children and horror movies were cool.The homages to the original were great.I loved the meta parts of the movie,they did a great job commenting on horror movie franchise,everything that was said was true.The kills were awesome,even though there was less than 5.The best part though,the concept,it is brilliant and terrifically executed.New Nightmare is the best sequel in the franchise.
OneEightNine Media You can definitely see how this film lead to Wes creating one of the best horror movies of all time, Scream. But this Nightmare on Elm street sequel could have been so much better if Freddy's mask didn't look like a cheap Halloween mask. If it was meant to look like that just to keep the meta about this film then it was a bad decision. It looks goofy as hell and takes you out of the movie. Regardless, it is better than 95% of the other Nightmare sequels so you'll just have to take what you get. The film is about the real life actress, and real life actors, producers and director of the Nightmare series, dealing with a Freddy Krueger who has crossed over into our world. The script is smart but the stupid Freddy mask, as well as a few other flaws makes this film an ugly duckling.
samgiannn I've heard this called the best Nightmare on Elm Street sequel and some have even called it better than the original Nightmare film. I can't say it's any of those things, but New Nightmare is one of the better movie in one of my favorite horror movie franchises and a refreshing entry after the abysmal Freddy's Dead. New Nightmare departs from Springwood, Ohio and instead takes place in the "real" world. Heather Langenkamp, the actress who played Nancy in the original film, is now a married mother, and she is contacted by Wes Craven to be in the definitive final Nightmare on Elm Street film. However, Heather has been having increasingly terrifying nightmares and phone calls that sound suspiciously like the films' iconic villain, Freddy Krueger. Her son's disturbing behavior also leads her to believe that the script that Wes is writing may not be just another movie. Arguably the best part about New Nightmare is all the nods and winks to the original film sprinkled in there. The phone gag from the first one is in there (which I admit still scared the crap out of me), and a majority of the deaths are reminiscent of other deaths in the series, particularly Tina's infamous death from the first movie and the motorcycle kill from The Dream Child. Wes Craven and Robert Englund also make cameo appearances in the film, although their subplots just sort of fizzle out towards the end. I also wasn't a big fan of Freddy trying to get a hold of Heather's son. The "creepy kid" scenes didn't really unsettle me and instead came off as hammy. But Wes obviously had a lot of fun with New Nightmare and ended the series with a clever take on the slasher film that would be replicated in the future with flops like Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2. Personally, the criminally underrated The Dream Master will always be my favorite Nightmare sequel, but New Nightmare is a fun and sporadically scary slasher flick.