PG-13 | 18 December 1992 (USA)
Toys Trailers

Leslie Zevo is a fun-loving inventor who must save his late father's toy factory from his evil uncle, Leland, a war-mongering general who rules the operation with an iron fist and builds weapons disguised as toys.

Clevercell Very disappointing...
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Cap-Blackard The shade that Toys has been thrown over the years is absurd. Why? The film certainly slips on the marbles on occasion, but its merrits far outweigh the marks against it. In terms of visuals there's nothing else like it in film. Even in the age of CGI, nothing has come close. The world of Toys is sublime, outiside of time, and that cartoon reality emphasizes the facet of the film that so many overlooked upon its release: it's a black fable. It's an art film.If Toys was a European or Asian film, that didn't have big US stars in it, and big US studios and audiences assuming any expensive movie needs to be jammed into an easy to categorize box; the narrative would be very different. As it stands it's a chilling bedtime story about the world we now live in. One totally appropriate to tell children of all ages - to remind them to make-believe, not war.
yvette-edery The whole thing seems pretty genius. I like this almost as much as I like the wheels on the bus. I like this like I like grilled cheese. The costumer, from France won 2 Oscars, it was nominated for over 10. Methodology = awesome. Story = really original. Cast = holla. Joan Cusack is pretty. It touched me.
jsonting Best movie along with best soundtrack by EPIC composer Hans Zimmer.You don't like the movie? Yeah, cos you're shallow minded and don't know how to appreciate art. You should stop reviewing any other movie for the rest of your life. You're disqualified.This movie is ahead of its time. It created an art direction. More importantly, it created a priceless memory for every children that watched it, well, except the non-artistic, non imaginary ones. I watched it again, and was still loving the movie. It actually surprised me with some very deep meaning that i wouldn't understand as a child. But i'm sure if i was an adult back then, i would still love this movie. Because i'm not like those brain dead critics who couldn't appreciate this movie. Or maybe they didn't even watched it, they were watching the walls the whole time.
The_Film_Cricket 'Toys' is as confounding a movie to review. On one hand it is one of the most amazing looking movies ever made. The problem is that the plot it develops (or underdeveloped) is half-written and the message is inane. So how do you rate a movie like this? It's beautiful to look at but nothing of interest happens to the characters.The set designs by the late Fernando Scarfiotti are phenomenal. The enormous six-color factory is a sight to behold. These toy-shaped factory machines would have humbled Willy Wonka. There are rooms that look like the inside of a gigantic toy chest. There is a life-sized dollhouse in the movie that opens like a 3 dimensional Christmas card and it is awe-inspiring.I also liked the music. It opens with a gloriously winsome Christmas song 'The Closing of the Year' and continues on with a curiously strange ditty called 'Happy Workers'. We see the sights and we hear the music that would humble anyone responsible for putting together the Christmas show at Radio City Music Hall. Then we wait for a story and wait and wait and wait. What there is, is very weak.Robin Williams plays playful Leslie Zevo whose dying father has decided not to leave his factory to his immature son. Nor to his daughter Alsatia (Joan Cusack) who dresses like a doll. Instead he decides to leave the factory to his brother a career military man who is interested in turning out war toys. Later we aren't surprised to find that he has more sinister motives in mind.Robin Williams is an inspired choice for this movie. He has some moments that are perfect for him; he has been given a colorful world to play in that seems build for his style of humor. But he is at the mercy of a screenplay that can't let him use his comic gifts to tell a good story.The message of 'Toys' is painfully inane: Peaceful toys are good and weapons are bad. The movie is agonizingly paced. Even at two hours the movie feels too long. Unlike this movie's ancestor 'Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory' in which the message seemed was 'Behave yourself', the message of this movie gets muddled when peaceful toys begin a toy wars with the weapons.'Toys' was directed by Barry Levinson who has made great films like 'Diner', 'Good Morning Vietnam', 'Avalon' and 'Bugsy'. The story has it that this movie was a twelve-year odyssey getting it to the screen. If it took him that long to come up with the look of this film, I could have easily given him another twelve years to work on the screenplay, maybe longer.