R | 14 May 2009 (USA)
TiMER Trailers

In this comedic fantasy, science has facilitated the search for a soul mate via biotechnological implants that count down to the moment one is supposed to meet his or her match. But Oona is worried: She's nearly 30, and her TiMER isn't ticking yet. Will her dream guy get snatched up by someone else?

Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
gengar843 TIMER pretends to be forward-thinking, then "ironically" twists it so that intuitive human love is correct after all without any gadgets. This to me makes the entire premise anti-human on two levels: (1) that we as a species would actually do something this stupid, (2) that we're just monkeys without the gadgets. So, damned if we do, damned if we don't.What this does is justifies the promiscuity, the "blazing hot anonymous sex" with strangers that passes the time until you meet "the one," or else the "it doesn't matter anyway" attitude because "the one" is coming anyway. The movie is furthermore told from an upper-class perspective, so there is the usual digs at privileged living (boring for me to watch). In the same vein, there is a misanthropic anger at people the writer(s) don't particularly like, such as Mary in the nursing home, in a brief scene that really sums up the viciousness of this film.The tender music score belies this boiling anger at love and life. As many have already pointed out, the ending is a middle finger to the entire move, as well as the audience for having participated. It's like they weren't sure whether to fulfill the technological destiny of the vision or go with a complete reversal of our thoughts on Timer, period, but went for a ridiculous middle ground, "whatever turns you on." Besides hedonistic, this is against the premise, that it's NOT whatever turns you on but rather what is supposed to be long-term right for you ,as when Oona met with her father, who seemed to have some insight into destiny - but, stupidly, only because he had a timer :-/Good acting, I guess, for this nonsense. Attractive cast. Good form and pacing. But it's like a pleasant classic statue with paint splotched all over it intentionally. It's supposedly a message but it's really more like a tantrum.
cdschuett I don't think I have seen a movie so thoroughly fail the Bechdel test. The women in this movie would simply vanish from existence without a man to define their lives by. Plus, as other reviewers have said, the ending is a bit of a let down. If the point of this movie was to tell us how spontaneity and romance should be stamped out and destroyed, then message received. What I will say about the ending though is that it was a bit of a surprise. I thought they would play up the irony of how Oona would get rid of her timer just as her spontaneous boyfriend got his and decided to settle down a bit. The switch was a pleasant twist. Despite this, the movie is well shot and looks beautiful and it was delightful to see Emma Caulfield again. I wish she would work more. I wish there was more of the old man in the nursing home. He was a hoot.
keshby The ending to this movie was such a let down. The message is conformity and mindlessness, not to mention disloyalty and self-centered behavior. Wow, what a way to spread the message. I think I'll go read "1984" again. If you want to see an example of a movie that took a startling negative view on independence without seeming to be aware of it this is the one for you. It's actually kind of frightening what the writer and director seemed to think was an acceptable ending. The main character's little show of bravado at the end was useless since she had already capitulated and willingly followed what an electronic pulse dictated over mind/heart. Very disturbing.By the way if your wondering why I watched it in the first place my 20 year old daughter asked me to because she liked it. After she heard my review of it...not so much anymore.
copperncherrio An interesting concept, in a world where everyone has a timer that tells them when they are going to meet their soul mate. It counts down and will beep once you make eye contact with them. But only when your soul mate gets a timer does yours start counting down.Our main character Uma's timer has yet to start and kind of countdown. Her sister's timer says that she won't meet her soul mate until she is 40 years old.The concept is unique and entertaining. It's a fun movie to watch when you just want something simple and pleasant, but done well. This is the movie for you. It's heavier on the Romantic side and less so on the comedy side.