It's in the Water
It's in the Water
| 30 January 1997 (USA)
It's in the Water Trailers

When hordes of gays and lesbians come out "of the closet" in the fictional town of Azalea Springs, Texas, intolerant residents go into a panic about the water supply.

Clevercell Very disappointing...
ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Freaktana A Major Disappointment
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
AryeDirect Flat, inept dialog and worse direction. Stereotypes all. Every character spoke in the same, overacted voice. Each and everyone was stilted in performance, except for the singer near the end.Overall execution was poor. Camera and lighting were as flat as the dialog. Everyone represented a 'type'. There was no reality to the characters, nor was there and tone of clever.The film only came to life for about three minutes, when a gifted Gospel singer sang words not written by the writer/director.There could have been a good comedy with the premise, but it never surfaced.
Pearl-Chenette It is a little corny, but I enjoyed the movie and bought a copy. I am gay and the stereo types and the strange reactions of the the town's people and families etc. could not be more the truth, just said a little different, and we know its not because of the water. But this show was funny to me, because I have lived in places where being gay was dangerous at best and this little movie put into my minds eye and I hope in others as well, just how much people do not look outside of the box, or just how back water a majority of people still would like to tar and fête anyone that is different and that includes loving someone of the same sex, or even of a different race. God loves all his children and no one should be able to put their shoulds on you. Who has the right to say who you can share your heart with? But as far as we have come, we still as a nation, have yet so far to go. I hope Kelli Herd writes an It's in the Water two, I would like to see a show, that evolves and involves gay and Hetro couples living in the same town, even as small as this little made up town in Texas, and believe me, I lived in Texas in the 70's and this was very light judgementalism compared to the real dangers that were present at the time, with out a lot of bull or xxx rated stuff. Just normal folks living a normal life. I of coarse really liked the combination of Two Woman she picked for the female lead parts. It would be nice if they lived in my town. <(*~*)>.
mikothy69 I worked on "It's in the Water" back in '96, '97. It was one of the funnest projects I've worked on. I can tell you that Kelli Herd is a brilliant, bold story-teller with a great sense of timing. The casting was great. Regarding the actors, I was impressed at the effortless risk taking that took place not only in the auditions, but more over, on the big screen. Barbara Lassiter (mom) is too much, I remember when they were shooting the scene where she is lecturing her daughter Alex about her gay kiss,noting "Couldn't you have done something like this on the weekend?" The scene when shot, was very moving, dramatic, powerful. Once edited, I was amazed that they turned that scene into its own mini-melodrama with a comic twist. The whole cast and crew was very friendly. One of the more outstanding moments in the making of the movie was when we were filming in the hospital. In the middle of a scene, one of the 1K lights set off the building alarm and sprinkler system, made for a short delay, but all was well. Kelli provided some of the best craft service food I've ever had much! All behjind the scenes stuff aside, The plot is outrageous. Who'd think It's in the Water? Can't say I don't relate though. For whatever reason, this is truly one of my favorite movies, very smart.
LITP (lostintwinpeaks) An odd little movie, with many unknown actors. The comedy/drama in the film is mostly unfunny and undramatic, but some scenes do contain real impact. And one scene is very funny - when the main character goes to the video store for lesbian movies. What a hoot! Otherwise, a good attempt at creating a gay and lesbian movie. This is probably best described as a lightweight and interesting failure - but still worth a look.