The Haunting
The Haunting
PG-13 | 23 July 1999 (USA)
The Haunting Trailers

Dr. David Marrow invites three distinct individuals to the eerie and isolated Hill House to be subjects for a sleep disorder study. The unfortunate guests discover that Marrow is far more interested in the sinister mansion itself — and they soon see the true nature of its horror.

BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Taraparain Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
paulclaassen Firstly, the house is incredible! The setting in the huge old house in itself is creepy, let alone all the wooden carvings of kids! The house's back story was actually more interesting than the plot itself, which I didn't find convincing enough. I did enjoy the eerie atmosphere and subtle, real scares without the help of overbearing music. The visual effects are simply awesome! The film does become weird towards the end, but nevertheless remains interesting and entertaining.
delldiablo This film has nothing to say, so I won't say much about it. It was meant to make money, it made it, now let's move on.Liam Neeson is wasted here.Catherine Zeta Jones is beautiful, her lines are crap and her personality is a caricature. Owen Wilson plays Owen Wilson, although his name in this film is Luke.Lili Taylor plays some kind of character. Not sure what. She saw a decapitation and just said "on, no." Theo (CZJ) was screaming - she covered her mouth in horror but the sound was coming as if it wasn't muffled, as if it were dubbed.The music has some ridiculous circus themes. I don't know what this film wants to be. Haunted house? Undead children? Scary paintings? Gargoyle statues coming to life?Why not all of the above?How about some comedy. Dr. Marrow says "what do we all need in life, the basics, food, water, shelter." Theo (Zeta Jones) interrupts/adds "sex" with the subtlety of a sledgehammer, to which Luke (Owen Wilson) responds "meow." Yups, Owen Wilson plays himself. If you've seen him say "wow" many times, then meow isn't far off. It's not scary, not funny, not entertaining, not dramatic, not mysterious, not anything.The special effects, some look good, some bad, but I won't give it plus points over good effects nor minus over bad ones. The attacking spider bed effect was interesting, but that's not why anyone would watch a film.Don't watch.
cjs6547 Nobody. And then, "I won't let you hurt the children!"These two lines are perfect examples of how the movie fell apart in the second half. Mainly because there was no prompt for this iconic dialogue from the first film in the second one. No one was shown to be holding Nell's hand, or that her hand was in any position in which it would be 'held'. And secondly, she didn't hear the terrifying noises of child abuse in the dark. Being a remake of the 1963 classic, I don't think anybody expected it to be as good as the first. But still it was off to a promising start, with lonely, unwanted Eleanor against the glamorous have-it- all Zeta as Theo. Even Owen Wilson being Owen Wilson in Hill House was entertaining. Unfortunately, the second half nose-dived. They didn't keep up the motif of the desperate Eleanor with no home being hounded by society - except in that one scene in which Owen Wilson trashes her only legal possession against the iron gate (he gets his poetic justice). Instead of the house PREYING on Eleanor's weakened mind, the idea that Eleanor DID somehow legally belong with the house was pushed a bit too far (the woman wearing the necklace in the painting and Eleanor spewing a lot of ancestral details which no one can possibly verify there). That and the abundant use of CG takes away from all horror and leaves us with an adventure film with one horrible accident.Watch the original 1963 film for your dose of chills and terrors.
Davis P First of all the acting in this movie is just atrocious, it's awful. I like Catherine Zeta Jones's work but even her acting was bad. Owen Wilson was the worst casting choice in this entire movie, in fact, that might be one of the worst casting choices I've ever seen in any movie, is acting and here was just so bland and fake. Liam Neeson wasn't a horrible choice for the lead, although he wasn't great. What I don't like is this movie is not scary at all it's just not! Also the filmmakers overused CGI to where it looked cheap. I watched the original from the 1960's and I wasn't a fan, I didn't like it at all, but the remake is even worse than the original. I guess it suffices to say that I'm just not a haunting fan at all. Also the script and the dialogue in this remake is just so bland and boring. If you are a true horror movie thing and then this is not a movie you want to see. It's really just an insult to all horror movies because it's just not scary. I do feel bad for the audience that was really excited to see this, meaning the fans of the original, I feel bad that they were horribly let down. Now I know that the original from the 1960s is held up high as a horror movie classic, personally I don't get that, I did not like it at all, but it's just not my cup of tea I guess. The one word that comes to mind when I think of the haunting from 1999 is just plain boring. Do yourself a favor and watch insidious instead of this. Three out of 10 for the haunting 1999.